
Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore, Trade & Development Minister Joe Costello and Mary Robinson, President of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice are hosting a major international conference today and tomorrow to explore the links...

12th April 2013 Political agreement was today reached at the Informal Ecofin in Dublin Castle to extend the maturities on the EU...

Social Protection Minister Joan Burton, today announced the establishment of an Approved Intermediary Service within the Money Advice and Budgeting Service for the purposes of providing for Debt Relief Notices under the Personal...

10th April 2013 A total of 2,000 additional ICT graduates-level professionals will be provided in the coming year...

Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte has welcomed the agreement reached under the Irish Presidency on the re-use of Public Sector Information. Public Sector Information refers to the wide variety of information held by Public bodies, ranging...

Children’s Minister Frances Fitzgerald has today launched UNICEF’s global ‘Report Card 11’ on child well-being, marking the first time that this global launch has been held in Ireland. UNICEF’s report finds that Ireland is the 10th...

I would like to thank Matthew Elderfield for his work as Deputy Governor Financial Regulation and wish him every success in his future career. He took up this post at a period of great financial instability in Ireland and has played a key role in greatly...

I was saddened to learn of the death this morning of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Mrs Thatcher was a formidable political leader who had a significant impact on British, European and world politics. During her eleven years as...

Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore today begins an Enterprise Ireland trade mission to Turkey, leading 24 innovative, exporting Irish companies to boost trade between the two countries. The Tánaiste will visit both Ankara and...

Minister for Children, Frances Fitzgerald has today welcomed the launch of the new website of the Child Care Law Reporting Project – The Child Care Law Reporting Project was established in 2012 with the active support of the Department of Children &...

