
Education Minister Jan O’Sullivan today announced a new programme of capital investment in schools.

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton together with Business and Employment Minister Ged Nash today welcomed the latest official employment figures from the Central Statistics Office, showing that 135,800 extra jobs have been created since the start of 2012.

The Government today launched the West Action Plan for Jobs, aimed at delivering 10-15% employment growth in the region over the coming years....

The Government Chief Whip Paul Kehoe has confirmed that Dáil Éireann will mark the dreadful events in Paris...

"In response to last night’s terrible events in Paris, Department officials in Paris and in Dublin have been working through....

Tanaiste Joan Burton has said her thoughts are with the people of Paris tonight, following multiple terror attacks across the city...

The Embassy in Paris and the Department in Dublin are actively monitoring the unfolding situation in Paris...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has expressed his shock at the events unfolding in France this evening...

Every Friday, we bring you the top five Government news stories of the week. Catch up on what you might have missed here. Click on the headlines to read the full story...

Enterprise 2025, a 10-year jobs and enterprise strategy, was launched today at Dogpatch labs in the CHQ building in Dublin....

