
The launch of the €600m electricity interconnector between Ireland and Britain is an historic day in the relations between our two countries. This major Irish energy infrastructure project enables direct electricity trading between Ireland and Britain....

Environment Minister Phil Hogan today encouraged owners of septic tanks to avail of the reduced registration fee of €5, before the deadline of September 28th 2012. He thanked the 76,000 householders who have already registered and are playing the part to...

I wish to announce for the information of the House that the Government has finalised the wording of a constitutional amendment on the protection of...

Public Expenditure and Reform Minister Brendan Howlin today published the outcome of the review of public service allowances and premium pay following consideration by Government. The Minister has also published the business cases submitted to his...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Electronic Arts today announced the creation of 300 new jobs for EA’s European Customer Experience Centre of Excellence in Galway. EA will now provide multilingual international customer support and services for its major game...

Children & Youth Affairs Minister Frances Fitzgerald has today welcomed the announcement by Taoiseach Enda Kenny that the Children’s Referendum will...

The Government welcomes the report from the National Economic and Social Council Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Residential Care for Older People. It sees this study as a very useful insight into the effectiveness of the reforms that have...

The Government welcomes the publication of NESC’s report Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Policing and the Search for Continuous Improvement. This study is a very useful consideration of the policing reforms that have taken place to date...

Health Minister James Reilly today welcomed the agreement reached with hospital consultants and health service management at the Labour Relations...

14th September 2012 The Government today hosted a reception to welcome home the Irish Paralympic Team at Farmleigh House in Dublin...

