
Minister Rabbitte today announced funding has been provided to the HSE to open St Gabriel’s Children’s Centre–based Respite Service in Mungret, Limerick...

Address by Taoiseach Micheál Martin T.D., to British Irish Parliamentary Assembly Plenary Session...

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Thomas Byrne, T.D., will exchange views with his counterparts on EU-UK relations, at a videoconference meeting of Ministers for European Affairs today...

Justice Plan 2021 contains over 200 actions to be implemented in next twelve months...

Minister Noonan today, (22 February 2021), announced that he has approved grant funding of just under €230,000 to 25 local community groups and organisations...

The Minister for Education Norma Foley TD today announced the patronage of the three new primary schools to be established in 2021...

Minister McConalogue today reiterated Ireland’s concerns and priorities for the EU/UK consultations on fishing opportunities for 2021...

Minister Catherine Martin T.D. has announced a new Artist-in-Residence scheme to create new works to encourage public engagement with the Decade of Centenaries and institutions...

The Minister for Education Norma Foley TD today announced the patronage of the three new primary schools to be established in 2021...

