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Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality launches Code of Ethics for An Garda Síochána

Good morning.

I’m delighted to be here today to launch this Code of Ethics.

One year on from its establishment, I believe the Policing Authority has brought a new energy to the public discourse on policing – a new transparency.

The establishment of the Policing Authority is just one of a series of ongoing reforms in the Justice sector. We have:

  • Changed the law, through the Protected Disclosure Act, and given Gardai the
  • option of having their complaints independently examined by GSOC;
  • Extended the Freedom of Information Act to include An Garda Síochána;
  • Enhanced the powers of GSOC;
  • Put the resources in place to invest in new technology and ICT in order to
  • equip An Garda Síochána for the digital era.

I would like to personally acknowledge the work of Josephine and her team in formulating the Code, as well as all of those who contributed during the public consultation process.

On Friday I attended our annual conference for the Justice Sector, bringing together 300 public servants from across our 40 agencies. We had a fascinating discussion about leadership and what it meant to different people.

All 300 attendees were asked to submit how they understood leadership in one word and we could see the replies appear in real time as they generated a word cloud on the big screen. I believe ‘vision’ came out on top, followed by a number of other terms such as ‘direction’. Further down the list came ‘courage’ and ‘integrity’.

I found that interesting because I believe courage and integrity are fundamental to the concept of leadership. Acting with integrity requires courage. Acting with courage and integrity shows leadership. All three are interlinked.

I believe each and every public servant, at every level in their respective organisations, needs to be a leader. And each of us, especially in senior management, has a duty to promote an environment that encourages leadership, encourages change, encourages questions.

Being honest and ethical has always been a core value of An Garda Síochána, if perhaps not articulated quite so clearly in a document like the one we are launching here today.

Ethical standards are the cornerstone of good governance. And ethical behaviour comes from the values, beliefs, attitudes and knowledge that guide the judgements of each individual person. We cannot prescribe or command what constitutes ethical behaviour in all situations.

So the Code is not a book of absolute rules. It is a common-sense document that offers guidance in relation to ethical conduct and standards in respect of all members of staff.

As I have said before, laws, policies and codes of themselves do not change culture. That requires a relentless reinforcement of the values of an organisation.

Gardai across the country work tirelessly, and to a very high standard, protecting the public and keeping the community safe. They have to make judgments and complex choices in diverse, often highly pressurised situations. This Code of Ethics, and the training it will give rise to, will help in guiding those decisions.

For my part, I will continue to support An Garda Síochána, the Policing Authority and the wider Justice sector in every way I can in my capacity as Tánaiste and Minister for Justice & Equality.

I fully endorse this Code as a beacon to guide ethical behaviour in An Garda Siochana for years to come and am delighted to declare the Garda Síochána Code of Ethics ‘officially launched’.