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Taoiseach's Speech - 2016 Flag Raising Ceremony

A Uachtarain agus a dhaoine uaisle uile...

On Easter Monday 1916, at the commencement of the Rising, on the steps of the GPO, Padraig Pearse read out the following opening lines of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic:

“IRISHMEN AND IRISHWOMEN: In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag and strikes for her freedom."

In response thousands answered that call to their Flag and seventy eight volunteers died during the Rising.

D'fhreagair na sluaite an ghairm faoina Bratach agus maraíodh seachtó a hocht óglach le linn an Éirí Amach.

Today we honour the memory of those who died, with the respect and dignity that is their due, and we cherish, one hundred years later, the principles and ideals contained in our Proclamation for which they fought so dearly.

Éirí Amach Filí agus Tírghráthóirí, óglaigh ab ea iad ar fad, ó gach cúlra agus gach aicme - fir agus mná a raibh féith an náisiúnachais go smior iontu agus a chuirfeadh athrú ar stair na hÉireann go brách.

This was a Rising of Poets and Patriots, volunteers all, from every walk of life and social strata – men and women – imbued with a shared sense of national identity and fervour that changed forever the course of Irish history.

Dá bhrí sin, ar chomóradh 100 bliain a mbáis; cuimhnímis le mórtas orthusan a bhásaigh ar son na hÉireann:

Let us therefore, on the 100th anniversary year of their death; recall with pride the following who gave their lives for Ireland: