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Address by Alan Shatter TD, Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence at the Launch of the Irish Association for the Social Integration of Offenders (IASIO) Annual Report 2012 - Thursday 25 July 2013

Address by Alan Shatter TD, Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence

at the Launch of the Irish Association for the Social Integration of

Offenders (IASIO) Annual Report 2012

Thursday 25 July 2013

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to be here

this afternoon to officially launch the 2012 Annual Report of the Irish

Association for the Social Integration of Offenders (IASIO). This is the

first Annual Report of the new IASIO group and marks a significant

milestone in its own right.

I would like to begin by thanking your Chairperson, Mr Pat Lynch, for his

kind invitation to attend and address you here today. I also want to take

this opportunity to thank your fellow Board members, your management, and

staff for all your work culminating in the publication of your report

today. I have a particular interest in this area and I welcome all efforts

that are being made to assist with the social integration of offenders into

our communities.

I understand IASIO was formed in April 2012, when three programmes,

formerly managed by Business in the Community Ireland, transferred to the

newly formed Irish Association for the Social Integration of Offenders.

These are the Linkage, GATE and Resettlement programmes. The 2012 Annual

Report highlights in considerable detail the work of IASIO in providing

much needed services to offenders through these three programmes.

The largest of these programmes is the Linkage Programme which supports the

integration of offenders into the working community. It provides a

training, employment and guidance service and is funded by the Probation

Service. Finding employment is one of the key factors in helping offenders

to desist from crime. Without the work done by the Linkage Training and

Employment Officers, the particular challenges that Probation clients and

ex-prisoners face in seeking employment would be overwhelming. They help

offenders to make a range of informed choices and support them in taking

progressive steps to employment; steps that are achievable and sustainable.

Of the 1,966 people who engaged with the Linkage Programme in 2012, it is

interesting to read that these steps have led 618 persons to places in

training or education and 204 of these to an employment placement. Given

the times we are in, these figures represent worthwhile achievements and

while there is always more to be done, I congratulate you on that.

The GATE and Resettlement programmes are funded by the Irish Prison

Service. Unfortunately, it can be the case that any progress prisoners

make while in prison to tackle their offending behaviour and develop their

true potential can be all but lost following their release from custody

without the necessary supports in place. The GATE and Resettlement

programmes help to address this by providing practical assistance and

support to offenders as they make the transition from prison to living

again in the community.

The GATE Programme works with prisoners to develop plans to assist their

reintegration into the working community following their release. Through

the provision of guidance and a placement service operating within the

prison, the appropriate training, education and employment opportunities

are identified. This assists prisoners’ progress towards independence after

release and ultimate reintegration

The Resettlement Programme provides support and assistance to prisoners in

accessing essential services to meet their identified needs. Following

release, offenders are supported in accessing housing, addiction and other

services, while at the same time offered continual personal support. I am

pleased to note that both of these programmes exceeded the targets set for


The first year in operation of any organisation is a significant milestone

which inevitably brings its own challenges. I would like to compliment the

Chairman, Board, CEO and staff of IASIO who have worked in partnership with

the Probation Service and Irish Prison Service to manage a smooth

transition to the new corporate structure. I believe that this newly

formed structure has allowed the management and staff of IASIO to support

and add value to the work of the Probation Service and Irish Prison Service

which has facilitated the provision of new services to reintegrate

offenders into their community

It is also important here today to acknowledge the work of Business in the

Community Ireland which laid the solid foundation for the work now being

done by IASIO. I know that both the Probation Service and the Irish Prison

Service appreciate their involvement and support in establishing the

Linkage Programme thirteen years ago, and more recently, the GATE and

Resettlement Programmes.

As many of you will know, IASIO is jointly funded by the two agencies of my

Department; the Irish Prison Service and the Probation Service. Both of

these agencies share the common goal of maintaining public safety through

the reduction of offending by those in their care, whether they are

offenders placed directly under Probation supervision by the Courts, or

sentenced to custody. They are both committed to a multi- agency approach

in all their work including planning and managing the release of offenders

and their transition back into the community.

I am pleased to say that specific actions in this interagency co-operation

are clearly set out in their joint strategic plan which I published last

May. The important support provided by IASIO to both these organisations

through the various programmes enhance their capacity to achieve

rehabilitation and resettlement objectives. I believe it all helps to

provide improved outcomes for individuals and communities across the


For my part, I was delighted to meet the Board of IASIO earlier this

afternoon and to hear at first hand about their important work and

experience to date. Their report provides much more detail of course and

clearly demonstrates their active support of the Irish Prison Service and

the Probation Service through the Linkage, Gate and Resettlement

Programmes. The case studies and client profiles in the report show quite

clearly the real practical benefits involved particularly in providing

support and hope to those who wish to change their offending ways to a

positive and purposeful lifestyle. In this way, and particularly in these

difficult economic times, we can assist people to become valued pro-social

members of society.

I would like once again to congratulate IASIO on their achievements in

their first year of operation. IASIO has proven that it has the ability to

adapt to the changing needs of the Probation and Prison services,

particularly in supporting the delivery of the new Community Return

initiative. I believe the work plan outlined for 2013 is challenging, and

I look forward to hearing of continued progress and success in future.

Thank you.