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Address by Alan Shatter TD, Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence on the occasion of the Garda Reserve Graduation Garda College, Templemore 15 February 2013

Commissioner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen and most

especially, members of the Garda Reserve.

I am delighted to be here with you on this important occasion. You should

rightly feel very proud to have successfully completed what I have no doubt

has been a testing period of training. Now you are ready to join the

thousands of members of An Garda Síochána who patrol our streets and keep

our communities safe.

From today, when on duty as Reserve Gardaí, you will be members of An Garda

Síochána. With this membership comes responsibilities. The Garda Force has

a long and proud tradition - a tradition of upholding the law of the land

without fear or favour. It has been in existence since the foundation of

this State. It has served the citizens of this country by upholding the law

and protecting the most vulnerable in our society. Members of An Garda

Síochána enjoy huge levels of trust within the communities that they serve

and which you represent.

Today is a day of celebration for you and your families. However, it would

be remiss of me not to make reference to the risks that Gardaí inevitably

encounter as they go about their work. The recent brutal murder of

Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe, as he carried out his duties as a member of

An Garda Síochána, sent shock waves through our communities. It was a

despicable and cowardly act which was abhorred by all decent, right-minded

people throughout the country.

A safe society is the responsibility of every member of that society and

not just the Gardaí. The interconnection between the Gardaí and our

communities is vital to ensure the successful delivery of an effective

policing service in this State.

You have each made the choice to give willingly of your time to contribute

to the good of society. Your volunteering as a Reserve Garda will help to

maintain peace and security in our communities. On behalf of all of us who

reside in this State, I thank you.

No one organisation is immune from the harsh economic realities which are

impacting our society and every single public sector worker in this State.

At a most difficult economic time, the Government is doing everything

possible to maintain the resources available to An Garda Síochána at the

highest possible level. I want to take this opportunity to clearly state

that it is my intention that Garda numbers will not fall below 13,000 and I

will shortly be taking proposals to Cabinet in relation to this.

The Commissioner is overseeing radical changes to make better use of

existing resources to bring about a more effective and efficient policing

service. There has been widespread reaction to the closure of some Garda

stations. Much of the criticism is designed to create fear within our

communities. The revised structures will provide for the clustering of

services at policing hubs. Enhanced patrolling will be introduced and an

additional 61,000 hours will become available for operational policing. An

Garda Síochána has recently acquired a number of vehicles which are being

converted into mobile Garda offices and these will be assigned to areas

where Garda stations have been closed. The maximum possible number of

Gardaí will be freed from desk duties in order to provide a more visible

Garda presence in our communities.

I would now like to refer to talks currently taking place to effect

essential public expenditure savings and which relate to the pay and

allowances of all public servants. At present, all of the trade union and

representative bodies are constructively engaged in discussions except for

the GRA and the AGSI who ended their engagement shortly after the talks

process commenced. Unions and representative bodies representing all other

24/7 workers remain within the tent whilst regrettably the two Garda

representative bodies are outside. It is unfortunate that members of An

Garda Síochána feel they are being targeted in the context of talks which

are currently ongoing to identify savings to be achieved which will affect

everyone in the public service including all Members of the Oireachtas and

all Ministers.

Expressions of anger and personal abuse or condemnation are no substitute

for rational engagement. I am urging the Garda representative bodies to

re-engage in the talks process as it is only by doing so that they can

influence the outcome of the talks. I acknowledge that members of the

Force have genuine concerns but these can only be fully considered and

properly addressed by participation in the talks process.

As Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, I fully recognise and am

totally supportive of the crucial role that An Garda Síochána plays in the

interests of the State and for all of us who reside in it. I also fully

support the Garda Commissioner and those working with him in the crucial

role that they play in making operational decisions and judgements to

ensure we have a modern and effective policing service. It is my role in

Government to be supportive in the context of ensuring as best as I can in

the difficult financial circumstances confronting the State that the

maximum possible resources are available to An Garda Síochána to facilitate

its important work. For 2013, €1.4 Billion has been allocated for An

Garda Síochána and it is of crucial importance that the resources available

are efficiently used both in the interests of the Force and in the

interests of the general public. Insofar as this requires modernisation

and change based on a sound operational assessment, it is important that

change is embraced and not resisted.

Of additional importance is that the good standing and the widespread

public respect for An Garda Síochána is maintained and that members of the

Force do not lose sight of the important and unique role that the Force has

in this State. The importance of discipline within the Force cannot be

over-emphasised and it is crucial that rank and file members respect and

comply with operational decisions and reforms identified as necessary by

those in a position of authority within An Garda Síochána. Whatever

criticism some may wish to voice of me, it is not appropriate that members

of a disciplined Force engage in public criticism of the Garda

Commissioner. It is also important that members of the Force remember,

and in particular this applies to those in positions of leadership in the

Garda representative bodies, that the Force plays a crucial role in

policing our Constitutional democracy and in protecting our citizens from

subversion. Whilst it is desirable that the representative bodies play a

constructive role in addressing issues that affect both the pay and

conditions of work of members of the Force, they should not lead their

members down the slippery slope of questioning the democratic entitlement

of the Government of the day to engage in the current discussions at a

time when the State, including many citizens in our State both in the

public and private sector are under enormous financial pressure, at a

time when we have 430,000 unemployed and at a time when, in order to

obtain crucial financial supports to pay for public services we remain

under an obligation to substantially reduce the State’s public expenditure.

Contrary to what has been stated, these discussions are not about a breach

of the Croke Park Agreement but about negotiating a new agreement to apply

to the end of 2016.

The Garda Reserve is representative of the new diverse Ireland. It is

heartening to see so many graduates today from a number of different

countries and Garda reserves now represent 31 different countries from

around the world. Your participation in the Garda Reserve sends out a

strong message of inclusively to all communities. It also sends out the

message that you are willing to serve your adopted country in the best

possible way. Your membership will serve to strengthen even more the ties

between our communities and An Garda Síochána.

The Garda Reserve has now over 1,000 members and continues to grow. The

Reserve makes a real and tangible contribution to the policing of our

State. Frontline visibility is a key component of community policing and

you will play a vital role in the provision of this service.

I would also like to highlight that, despite reports to the contrary, this

first-rate College here in Templemore is, and will continue to be, the

primary training centre for recruit and serving Gardaí. As you will of

course be well aware, Garda Reserve training is taking place here.

Continuous professional development training for full time members is also

taking place here and that will continue. The question of new recruitment

is under active consideration and it is an issue that I will address with

my Cabinet colleagues during the course of this year. Templemore College,

of course, also plays an important role in the local economy. In this

local context, I was pleased to announce earlier this week that 25

additional staff will shortly be redeployed to the Garda Central Vetting

Unit and that these staff will be located in the Department of Justice

offices in Tipperary town.

Finally, I would like to thank the staff here at the training college, who,

I’m sure you will agree, provide top-class instruction and guidance in

preparation for your future service. I have no doubt that they will join

with me in congratulating you on your achievements so far, and wishing you

well in your future time with An Garda Síochána. Above all, I would like

you to enjoy the day and the well-deserved celebrations with your friends

and family.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh.