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Address by Minister Shatter to Prison Officers’ Association Conference

Mr. President, Distinguished Guests, Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to thank you for your kind invitation to address your annual


At the outset, I want to acknowledge the very significant contribution that

prison staff make to Irish society, both collectively and at an individual

level. The work of Prison Officers is not easy. Society does not always

see the vital work that you are carrying out on their behalf. I have seen

the work you do. And on behalf of those for whom you carry out these

duties, the public, I thank you for your hard work and the dedication you

bring to this most important role in the criminal justice system.

Since my appointment as Minister, I have visited a number of prisons and I

have seen at first hand the professional, dedicated, and honest hard work

that your members carry out. Let me say that I have the greatest of

respect for prison staff and management. I believe you perform a difficult

job on behalf of the State and you perform it well, coping with the unique

challenges that your job entails.

As you are only too well aware, there has been a consistent increase in the

total prisoner population in Ireland over recent years, with dramatic

increases in the number of sentenced prisoners and a trend towards longer

sentences. On the 26th March 2010 the number of prisoners in the system

exceeded 5,000 for the first time in the history of the State. As of

yesterday, there were 4,495 prisoners in custody and 794 (that is 14.6%) on

temporary release. Of course, the Irish Prison Service must accept all

prisoners committed by the Courts into it’s custody and does not have the

option of refusing committals.

For my part, I am conscious of the level of overcrowding in our prisons and

the impact that it has on services to prisoners. I am also conscious that

the number of prisoners on temporary release is simply unacceptable and

that increasing those numbers to deal with overcrowding is not the

solution. In line with the Government Programme for National Recovery, I

believe we need to take steps to reduce the prison population and alleviate


As you know, I recently established a committee to review the Thornton Hall

Project. The committee has been asked to examine the need for new prison

accommodation and to advise by 1 July 2011 whether work on the site at

Thornton should proceed. Their terms of reference specifically requires

them to take into account the need for an adequate stock of prison

accommodation that meets required standards and to look also at

alternatives to custody.

The State has been engaged in an ongoing capital programme with almost 600

additional prisoner spaces constructed and brought into use since January

2008. There are also a number of ongoing projects, most notably the

construction of a new accommodation block at the Midlands prison. This

will provide a potential 300 spaces, a new kitchen and work

training/education block, and an extension to the visits/reception areas.

It is planned to have the new block fully commissioned by mid 2012. In

addition, a contract was awarded in late 2010 for the provision of 70

dormitory style spaces for female prisoners at the Dóchas Centre within the

Mountjoy Campus which is due to be completed by end July 2011.

The Irish Prison Service is currently engaged in a project to upgrade and

re-commission 36 cells with in-cell sanitation coming on stream by mid 2011

in the basement of the "C" Wing at Mountjoy Prison. Work has also

commenced on a project to provide in-cell sanitation in the remaining 74

cells on the same wing which is expected to be completed by the end of the

summer 2011. Depending on the outcome of this project, the Prison Service

will then consider installing in-cell sanitation in other areas of the

prison and indeed to other facilities that do not have in-cell sanitation.

As of yesterday, 4th May 2011, there were 222 prisoners in custody serving

sentences of less than 6 months and 390 serving sentences of between 6 to

12 months. That is over 13% of the prison population of prisoners serving

sentences of 12 month or less. As you know, the first Bill published by me

as Minister for Justice imposes an obligation on Judges, when considering

imposing a sentence of 12 months or less, to first consider the use of

Community Service as an alternative to a custodial sentence. Dail

consideration of this measure has already commenced and it is my hope that

it will be enacted by early July. Whilst undoubtedly an overriding concern

for public safety will result in the continuing imposition of short prison

sentences it is my belief that this legislation will result in a meaningful

reduction in the numbers serving such sentences and instead undertaking

Community Service at lesser cost to the taxpayer and to the benefit of the

wider community. Such an outcome would of course reduce some of the

pressure within our prison system.

Concern has been rightly expressed about the detention of 16 and 17 year

olds in St Patricks Institution. As you are all aware, the Irish Youth

Justice Service will take responsibility for the detention of 16 and 17

year olds when its’ new facilities in Lusk become available. My colleague

Frances Fitzgerald TD, the Minister for Children, will be assuming

responsibility for development of the new facilities in Lusk and,

ultimately, the new Department for Children will be assuming responsibility

for all detention facilities relating to young people convicted of


My first address to a POA Conference comes at a time of change for all of

us, not just in the Prison Service, but across the entire Public Service

and beyond. We are facing testing challenges over the coming months and

years. It is an unfortunate reality that the resourcing of the Prison

Service, and of the public service as a whole, must take account of our

financial and economic circumstances. If we don’t restore balance to our

public finances, our capacity to continue funding our public services will

be undermined. It is vital for the medium and long-term sustainability of

public services that the gap between Government income and expenditure is


Closing that gap will not always be easy but there is no question but that

it must be closed. The bottom line is that Ireland has to reduce its

expenditure on public services and that means further difficult and painful

decisions. I doubt that there will be any disagreement between us on one

issue - that we should not have ended up in this situation; however, this

is the appalling legacy that the Government has inherited. One of my

colleagues in Government has made the point that this country is

effectively in receivership. Frankly, that’s how bad it is. However, we

must not reduce our engagement to a counsel of despair. We need to accept

this reality and turn our focus and energies to restoring our economic

sovereignty, getting this country working again and building sustainable

public services that deliver for the citizens of this country and those who

work in them.

I understand the pressures and difficulties experienced by members of the

Prison Service and the rest of the public service; pay reductions are not a

pleasant experience for anyone, though I note that pay in the prison

service is and has been consistently higher than elsewhere in the public

sector. Avoiding further cuts in pay must be your key priority and to

ensure that we must make sure that the Croke Park Agreement works – that is

the agenda. Reforming our public services, and I mean real reform, is the

only way that we can pay for and deliver good public services. It is of

vital importance in the current dire financial situation confronting our

country that we urgently and rapidly bring about the necessary


The Croke Park Agreement provides us with an opportunity to work together

to change the way we do business, to reduce our costs and deliver a better

service. Working together is central to achieving this goal. I have met

with the National Officers of your Association and I am impressed with the

professionalism with which they appear to be engaging with this process to

date. However, it is vital that we now start to see real change happening

on the ground. This exercise is not just about reducing the numbers of

staff working in the prison service – that in itself would be a relatively

straightforward, if unpleasant, task. The purpose of the reform process is

not simply to cut numbers and be more cost-effective, vitally important

though that is, but to see where the service we provide can be improved.

If the reform process is to be credible we must see changes in how services

are delivered and seek to improve significantly in some areas that are

currently deficient.

In particular, I want to see improvements in prison regimes and I support

fully the principles set out in the Agreement as to how this will be

achieved. Implementation of the Agreement will allow us to move towards

lower staffing levels while at the same time allowing us to lay greater

emphasis on a more comprehensive management of prisoner’s sentences and

prisoner rehabilitation. Achieving this will truly be delivering more for

less and this will provide a sustainable basis for the Irish Prison Service

going forward. For my part, I will work with you to achieve this, but I

must also demand that real change happens and that it happens quickly.

I know that new prisoner accommodation at Wheatfield Prison opened last

year on a new staffing model and regime based on the principles set out in

the Agreement. This was a laudable achievement. I know also that the Task

Reviews provided for in the Agreement are underway and will start

delivering soon. Indeed, they must start delivering soon. I want to see new

working practices in place and I want to see the efficiencies that can be

achieved through campus working in place. I also want to see new

management structures and I want to see prison regimes improving. Staff

and management have agreed that these things will happen and I urge all

concerned to get on with the work ahead.

At the end of this process we should have a prison system that is

economically sustainable, fit and safe for staff to work in, that holds

offenders securely and humanely and that contributes to prisoners returning

to society with an improved opportunity of leading a law abiding life. It

is, of course, vital that, in so far as is possible, the manner in which we

deal as a society with those convicted of crime, not only provides

necessary protection to the community and acts as a deterrent but also

results in a substantial reduction in reoffending and recidivism and

affords to prisoners the possibility of becoming productive members of

society. That is the huge challenge we have set ourselves. I strongly

believe that this can be achieved if we work together – it is in all our


Thank you again for your attention and best wishes for a successful
