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Address by Mr. Alan Shatter TD Minister for Justice, Equality and for Defence on the occasion of the Graduation of Members of An Garda Síochána at the Garda College, Templemore

Commissioner, distinguished guests, members of An Garda Síochána, ladies

and gentlemen.

Can I start by thanking the Commissioner for his kind invitation to speak

to you today as you graduate from the Garda College. This is a very

special day for you, the culmination of so much training and hard work. It

must also be such a proud day for everyone who is here to support you and

share this occasion with you. So I am really delighted to have this chance

to say a few words to you.

I am also very pleased to see the recipients of the Scott medals here

today. It is absolutely right that these Garda members should have their

bravery publicly acknowledged, and their courage and commitment to duty is

a wonderful reminder to every member graduating today of the best

traditions of the Garda Síochána.

I would also like to add my welcome to the Children from Chernobyl who are

visiting the college today. I very much hope that they are enjoying their

stay in Ireland, and I think that a huge debt of thanks is owed to the

organisations in Ireland who have provided so much support for children

from that region over the last 25 years.

Can I also express my appreciation for the staff at this wonderful college,

which is truly among the leading police colleges in Europe. They have

worked with you so closely on what is a very demanding training course.

Their dedication, allied to your commitment and ability, have made this day


Can I also reassure everyone that there is no question, as some have

suggested, that this great college is effectively going to close down due

to lack of Garda recruitment. In addition to the college’s work in

training recruits, a major task of the college is providing a huge variety

of training to members of every rank – work that will not only continue,

but is more important than ever. So this college will continue its vital

work on Garda training, and will continue to be one of the most important

institutions in the Force.

But it is important, too, to acknowledge reality. It is true that there is

a temporary pause in the recruitment of Garda trainees. And let me be

frank – I regret that, and I want to see that pause limited to as short a

period as possible. I recognise the value of the energy and vitality

brought into the Force by each new intake of recruits. But the financial

and economic legacy left to this Government, and left to the country, leave

no choice. As part of the agreement entered into by the last Government

with the EU and the IMF, sharp reductions must be made in public

expenditure and there must be significant reductions in the numbers

employed in the public service. I wish this were not so, but we have to

face reality. And the reality is that, as part of the commitments they

made, the last Government undertook to reduce Garda numbers to 13,500 by

the end of this year, and to 13,000 by the end of 2014. A further

complication is that the rate of this reduction is almost entirely

dependent on the numbers of Garda members voluntarily retiring, and that is

another factor that will have to be taken into account.

This Government has its own targets for reductions in public service

numbers, but no final decisions have been taken on how these will be

apportioned. This will be the subject of serious discussion by the

Cabinet, and I will make sure that the needs of the Garda Síochána will be

taken into account in a fair and balanced way. I say that not by way of

holding out false hope that reductions can be avoided: they cannot. But I

do say that this Government will, whether in the Garda Síochána or

elsewhere, prioritise frontline operations. That is a pledge in the

Programme for Government and I reaffirm it here today.

In line with that Programme, I want to see administrative duties carried

out by civilian staff as much as possible, so that highly trained Gardaí

like you are freed up to tackle crime. I want to see reform of prosecution

and judicial case management systems, so that Gardaí do not waste time

waiting in court far longer than is necessary. I know that these problems

have been spoken about before, but they must be and will be addressed. The

crisis that has been brought about means that necessary reforms cannot be

long-fingered any more. There must be change, there must be reform.

And I want to acknowledge that reform is happening under the Croke Park

Agreement, reform that is being driven by Garda management with the

co-operation of the Garda Associations. For example, new Garda rosters are

being developed, so that policing resources can be better matched to

policing demands. An efficient system of Garda compensation is being

prepared, which will reduce legal costs and provide quicker compensation.

These and other changes will make a real improvement, but more will be

needed right across the public service to enable us all to maintain and

improve public services.

I believe that the Garda Síochána will rise to the task. Time and again

the Force has shown the capacity to respond to challenges with strength and

flexibility. Just look at how the whole Force responded to the

unprecedented back-to-back visits of her Majesty the Queen and President

Obama. The policing and security demands of those visits were huge. I was

so proud of the sheer professionalism of the response by the Garda Síochána

and the Defence Forces, a pride I believe was shared right across the


That national pride was occasioned by the flawless execution by the Garda

Síochána of those security arrangements. But it has a deeper origin, and

that is the connection that the Force has with the Irish people. As

members of the Garda Síochána, you very much belong to the community you

serve. You enjoy huge levels of public trust, built up by the service and

sacrifice of generations of Gardaí. I know that you will honour that

tradition of service, and that you will always do your duty to the very

best of your ability.

It is a huge responsibility, but I know that you are ready for it. You

have already proven your ability during training. You have made a solemn

declaration that you will faithfully discharge your duties. I have total

confidence in your capacity and your integrity. The public are depending

on you, and I know that you will never let them down.

So let me finish by thanking each and every one of you for joining the

Garda Síochána and for dedicating yourself to public service. You have my

full support as you set out on an exciting career, and you have the full

support of the public you will serve. I wish you all a rewarding and

fulfilling career in this wonderful organisation.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.