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Address by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence on the occasion of the Garda Reserve Graduation Garda College, Templemore

Commissioner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen and most especially, members of the Garda reserve.

I am delighted to be here with you on this important occasion.  You should rightly be very proud to have successfully passed what I have no doubt has been a testing period of training.  I am sure you will join me in thanking your friends and family for being with you today for the support and loyalty they have shown to you throughout.

It is in times such as these, when there is ever more increasing pressures on everyone’s time and finances, that we are particularly indebted to you. You have made the choice to give willingly of your time to contribute to the good of society.  In doing so, your volunteering helps the citizens of this state, without exception, by helping to maintain peace and security for us all.  On behalf of all the people in the country, I would like to thank you for this.

Since its establishment, the Garda Reserve has been of great benefit to An Garda Síochána and to society in general. Today you become members of An Garda Síochána. This comes with responsibilities. You now belong to a Force with a long and proud tradition - a tradition of upholding the law of the land without fear or favour. This force has been in existence since the foundation of this state. It has served the citizens of this country well by upholding the law and protecting the most vulnerable in this country.  An Garda Síochána enjoy huge levels of trust from the communities that they serve and which you represent. This has been built up by generations of Gardaí who served their communities well. It beholds you to continue this tradition and to support the full time members in their work.

The Garda Reserve is representative of the new diverse Ireland   I am very pleased to see graduates today from a number of different countries. The number of non-nationals in the Reserve now stands at 75 ,representing 29 countries. Your participation in the Garda Reserve sends out a strong message of inclusivity to all communities. It will serve to strengthen even more the ties between communities and An Garda Síochána.

The Garda Reserve is going from strength to strength, now with over 1,000 members.  The Reserve makes a real and tangible contribution to the policing of our State.  You help to reassure people that, despite the current pressure on Garda numbers, the delivery of a policing service and the prevention and detection of crime remains of utmost importance.  The public are seeking frontline visibility and you will play a vital role in the provision of this service.

No one organisation is immune from the harsh economic realities which are impacting on the community and the public sector and, like everyone, An Garda Síochána must continue to find efficiencies and still provide a professional service. The commitment of the Commissioner and the Garda Síochána is to maintain operational effectiveness and resilience but, in order to achieve this, work must be prioritised and some difficult decisions have been and have yet to be made.  As Minister with responsibility for protecting the security of the State, I would like to reassure everyone here today that the Commissioner and I will ensure that all things being considered, the maximum amount of resources are made available to the Gardaí and that optimum use is made of these resources.  Our objective is to ensure that the best possible Garda service continues to be provided to the public within the limiting circumstances in which we find ourselves today.  

I would also like to highlight that, despite reports to the contrary, this first-rate College is, and will continue to be, the primary training centre for recruit and serving Gardaí.  As you will of course be well aware, Garda Reserve training is taking place here. Last year approximately 15,000 training days took place solely for the Garda Organisation, ensuring the College is well utilised on a continuous basis.

Getting back to today’s event, I would like to thank the staff here at the training college who, I’m sure you will agree, provide top-class instruction and guidance in preparation for your future service.  I have no doubt that they will join with me in congratulating you on your achievements so far, and wishing you well in your future time with An Garda Síochána.  Above all, I would like you to enjoy the day and the well-deserved celebrations with your friends and family.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh.