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Comments by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny – Launch of ‘A Strategy for Growth’ Government Press Centre – December 17th 2013

Good afternoon everyone.

On Sunday, as we exited our Troika Programme, I signalled that the Government would be publishing an economic strategy for the years ahead.

This morning at Cabinet the Government approved ‘A Strategy for Growth’.

In drafting this plan we recognise that the Irish people have made a lot of sacrifices to ensure Ireland’s recovery.

It is clear that these sacrifices are making a real difference. Ireland is now moving in the right direction.

The ‘Strategy for Growth’ launched here today honours those sacrifices and builds on the momentum towards economic recovery.

It is about staying the course and using the opportunities now possible to speed up recovery.

It is a roadmap for the Irish economy for the years out to 2020.

It will provide certainty for the Irish people and for investors in Ireland.

It outlines the targets the Government must meet so that we can get Ireland working again.

By 2020, we aim to replace all the 330,000 jobs lost during the economic crisis in 2008-11 with new jobs, and in doing so more than halve the rate of unemployment.

It will also ensure that the mistakes of the past are never repeated.

By maintaining strong discipline in Government spending, we eliminate the Government deficit by 2018.

All future Budgets will be in line with this plan. All Government Ministers will have to operate their Departments in line with this plan.

And as Taoiseach I will make sure that this roadmap for recovery is followed and implemented for the benefit of the Irish people.

The first year of this plan, 2014, will be the year for jobs. Where everything that can be done to accelerate the recovery in the labour market will be done.

Over the past year we have seen over 1,000 jobs a week being created. Real jobs. Real opportunities.

We need to maintain and improve on this progress so that we can reach full employment in Ireland again.

2014 will see a strong push to make the economy more competitive. More investment. More competition. More innovation.

We will support Irish businesses to export, innovate and employ more.

Welfare reforms will continue to be a priority so that work always pays and the unemployed are supported to take up new employment opportunities.

This Taoiseach and this Government will stay the course, will work hard, and make the decisions necessary to ensure a long lasting and jobs rich recovery for Ireland.