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Seanad Adjournment Debate: The plans the Minister for Justice and Equality has to re-locate the Portlaoise Court House to a new and more appropriate premises and location as its present position on Main Street is no longer appropriate or fit for purpose and is completely disruptive on the main thoroughfare of the county town: Senator John Whelan. Response by Minister of State John Perry TD

On behalf of the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, I wish to thank the Senator for raising the matter and I appreciate his interest in Portlaoise Courthouse and the issues relating to its existing location on the Main Street in Portlaoise.

As the Senator will appreciate, under the provisions of the Courts Service Act 1998, management of the courts is the responsibility of the Courts Service and the Minister has no role in the matter.  Section 4(3) of the 1998 Act provides that the Courts Service is independent in the performance of its functions, which, of course, include the provision, maintenance and management of court buildings.

However, the Minister has had enquiries made and the Courts Service has advised that Portlaoise Courthouse, is a neo classical building on a corner site which was built around 1805. The Courthouse is owned by Laois County Council and was last refurbished by the Courts Service in 2001 at a cost of €2.75m. More recently, in 2010, some minor works were also carried out. In relation to proposed works, the Service has stated that some work is also planned for the provision of cell facilities within the courthouse.

The Service has stated that it is aware that the facilities in Portlaoise Courthouse fall short of what is required to meet the demands placed on the courthouse but that there is limited scope for development within the existing Courthouse building and site.

In 2007, the Service in cooperation with the OPW began a search for an appropriate alternative site in the town for a new courthouse development. A number of potential sites were considered during 2007 and 2008. However, no site was acquired at that time.

Since 2008, the Service in common with all other public service organisations has been operating in a very difficult and challenging economic environment. While continuing its search for a new site for a courthouse, the Service has indicated that it currently has limited funding available for site acquisition and development. In the absence of a suitable site, the Service has informed the Minister that it is not possible to bring forward specific proposals for the replacement of Portlaoise Courthouse at this time and that a new courthouse cannot be delivered in the short to medium term.