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Seanad Private Members Business: Independent Group of Senators’ Motion on Charities Regulation Address by Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence on Wednesday 1st May 2013

Excerpts from Minister Shatter’s speech:

“Charitable work is extremely important across many sectors of our society.

We have great diversity in our charitable organisations, ranging from

highly professionalised charity companies with multi-million euro annual

turnovers, to small local groups made up of volunteers, and everything in


“Trust is essential to charities – the trust both of their donors and

volunteers, and of their beneficiaries. The public need to feel sure that

the hard-earned money they so generously donate to charities is spent

wisely and with care and goes to help those that need it the most.

Charities work hard to foster and protect this trust. The public also need

to know that when they donate food or clothing or other items to charities

it is distributed or disposed of in a manner that benefits those intended.”

"For the most part, charities meet the high expectations we have of them -

and that they have of themselves – with energy and creativity and

integrity. And I commend the dedication of the workers and volunteers


“Recognition that public trust and confidence in charities was a precious

commodity that needed to be pro-actively supported and enhanced was perhaps

the primary motivation for the introduction of the Charities Act, and its

passage with cross-party support in 2009.”

“Increased transparency is one important part of the overall approach. In

addition to establishing a public register of all charities, the system of

regulation will, in time, result in the public availability of an annual

activity report for each registered charity. Of course, many charities

already publish annual reports and there is much good practice throughout

the sector with respect to information disclosure.”

“The Charities Regulatory Authority to be established will have a range of

functions and powers that will facilitate the development over time of a

comprehensive and balanced system of regulation.”

“As illustrated by the recently broadcast revelations about the charity

clothes recycling business, there is always a risk of the public being

misled or insufficiently informed. There is also a risk of malpractice or

abuse of charitable status through deception or of others, through criminal

activity, benefiting from charitable donations.”

“I would like to congratulate Primetime and RTE for their careful

investigative work in revealing and bringing to public attention the

activities of an organised gang targeting clothing banks. Burglary, theft

and all types of criminal activity are, of course, to be condemned.

However, there is something particularly nasty and callous in the actions

of those who steal, for their own benefit, charitable donations intended to

help those in need. I would like to inform this House that I have asked

the Garda Commissioner for a report on the activities of gangs involved in

this particularly cynical and despicable type of criminality and the action

that can be taken to bring them to justice.”