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Speech by the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, T.D., at the Launch of the Report of the Forum on Philanthropy and Fundraising

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I’m delighted to join you here today to launch the Report of the Forum.

Thank you Mr Chairman, and indeed all the members of the Forum, for your time and effort in considering and completing it.

Philanthropy is an expression of our concern for our love for our shared humanity.

Philanthropy is about our desire our determination to see society and all its members grow and flourish.

Philanthropy then a precious commodity in the age the difficult and uncertain times in which we live.

On his appointment last year Minister Hogan made it his task to reconvene the Forum and extend its mandate to fundraising.

Today, across Ireland, communities and organisations are raising not just money but hopes and spirits as they undertake a myriad of efforts to generate that all-important finance. 

Finance that’s always the means to a vital end never the end in itself.

Ireland is up there in the philanthropic and fundraising leagues. For generations we haven’t just made the changes in areas stricken by drought and war and famine. In so many instances, we have been those changes, our men and women on the front line of compassion, aid and intervention.

Here at home volunteer organisations are the heartbeat of community the length and breadth of Ireland.

Today in these difficult circumstances they offer a deeper ‘sense’ a purpose solidarity hope.

As we reimagine our economy reinvent our economic future philanthropy and fundraising have critical roles.

Because they are about the higher thing the greater cause our better selves.

As the Report points out, the not-for-profit sector in Ireland employs over 100,000 people.

Every year €3.7bn in wages and salaries.

By any standards, that’s a worthy contribution to the Irish economy.

Minister Hogan is keen to do all that he can to develop the sector further.

Though as a nation, we are living in straitened times, our capacity our will to give have never faltered.

Our generosity is as real and alive and well as it ever was.

Which is why last year in the midst of our deep crisis people gave more than €500m to charities and good causes in Ireland. 

We can be proud.

Now, however, it’s time to bring that personal generosity and success to corporate and large-scale philanthropic efforts.

We respond magnificently to a crisis – here at home or overseas.

Now, it’s time to take that zeal and apply it to a more regular, steady giving.

The Forum has therefore made recommendations in these areas.

In doing so, the Forum has drawn on a wide range of expertise, from both the public and private sectors.

It’s approach is practical, sensible and I know that the Minister is personally committed to making progress on these recommendations. 

And he’s not alone.

The Minister for Finance has also organised a public consultation process about the tax treatment of charitable donations.

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform is looking at models for social-impact investment in Ireland.

I look forward to seeing concrete progress on these and other recommendations. 

There is another reason why I am keen to support this initiative.

Because it recognises and supports the true, immutable wealth of the Irish people 

Because it is in here in our hearts our sense of who we are and who we can be and want to be as the magnificent Irish people.

Yes we are on a difficult journey.

Yes there are tricky stages still ahead.

Yes we have done the most difficult thing of all we have made that vital start.

We will recover.

And we will do it together the people and their government working side by side.

Ireland’s recovery, Ireland’s renewal, is everybody’s business.

All sectors, community groups, charities, volunteers are our partners in creating a better Ireland.

Fundraising will never be nor should it be a substitute for Government expenditure.

But the power of voluntary effort is enormous not just money, but time, expertise, community engagement.

With our generous and caring sensibility, we are well placed to make philanthropy a priority a shared priority that will work this time for us all.

Thank you.






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