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Speech by the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny T.D., at the sod turning ceremony for the Gort - Tuam motorway Friday 9th May 2014, Gort.

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

I am delighted to attend today’s event, which marks another important milestone for Ireland’s recovery.

It is the biggest roads PPP project since the economic crisis began. €550 million will be invested here providing 450 jobs during construction. Hopefully a few more will follow.

This project marks a vital step in the completion of one of Ireland's major interurban route - the Atlantic corridor.

A corridor that stretches from Letterkenny to Waterford via Sligo, Tuam, Ennis, Limerick, Mallow & Cork

The new motorway will help improve access to the two biggest pieces of transport infrastructure in the West, Knock Airport and Shannon Airport.

In response to the Government’s decision to scrap the travel tax from April, airlines such as Ryanair have scheduled extra flights bringing in thousands of additional tourists to the West.

By promoting recovery in the tourist industry with initiatives such as the reduced VAT rate, the construction of this motorway is part of a greater plan to open up Ireland and the West to more visitors.

When completed, the Gort Tuam motorway will significantly reduce journey times between many of the towns and cities in the West.

It will improve accessibility within the region and between surrounding regions, improving competitiveness and fostering more balanced economic development.

It will also reduce congestion at major junctions and provide bypasses for the towns of Clarinbridge, Claregalway and Tuam, where significant delays frequently occur.

This will in turn facilitate increased economic growth which is the cornerstone of this Government’s plan to make recovery local.


One of the biggest challenges facing the Government when it came into office was to deal with the unemployment crisis.

Today, we continue to prioritise getting Ireland working again.

We have seen recent signs of welcome progress.

The private sector is now creating over 1,000 jobs a week. The unemployment rate continues to fall steadily.

I am pleased therefore that this project will give a welcome boost to the construction industry as well as creating many other jobs indirectly.

But it is far from enough. I know from travelling around the country that many people have yet to see or feel any signs of recovery in their lives.

But be assured that this Government will not rest until the unemployment challenge is met.

Next week the Government will have a specific focus on Jobs, investment and new infrastructure to help create more local jobs.

Public Private Partnerships

A key Government priority is to restore our international reputation to make Ireland an attractive location for investment.

And I am pleased to say that this Public Private Partnership project will be delivered with the benefit of international investment, further evidence that Ireland is once again open for business.

I am also pleased that three members of the contract consortium are Irish Civil engineering firms, a welcome vote of confidence in our economic recovery.

Investment in PPP projects such as this makes sense. Not only does it provide a much-needed fiscal stimulus, it also helps to maintain thousands of jobs.


This Government is about jobs. It is about investment. And it is about recovery everywhere.

Today’s ceremony marks a further step in the right direction

I wish to congratulate everyone associated with this project and to wish you all every success with the work.