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Speech by the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, T.D.,for the presentation ofNational Standards Authority of Ireland Awards to the Road Safety Authority Ballin

I am delighted to be here today to share with you your success in achieving three certification awards, from the National Standards Authority of Ireland namely:

The Quality Management System ISO 9001 is the most popular management system standard in Ireland and internationally

The Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001 award helps organisations meet their health and safety obligations, control the impact of potential and actual hazards, and improve their health and safety performance.

The Health and Safety Management Systems OHSAS 18001 award helps organisations to meet their environmental obligations, control their environmental impacts and improve their environmental performance. . It is designed to improve customer satisfaction levels, internal efficiency and process consistency.

Road Safety Authority

However, these awards are not only a measurement of your professional aspirations as an organisation and you personally; they are a statement of your intent.

As the RSA face into the future, in your dealings with the public and with other state and non state entities, awards such as these show that you can measure up with best national and international practices. They are an assertion of your professionalism, and an acknowledgement by you that standards matter.

They publically show that the Road Safety Authority, has a proven track record – verified by external evaluators – of putting in place standards of professional behaviour and environmental responsibility that match best practice internationally.

The Plastic Card Drivers licence will be operational from 19th January 2013 and I understand that you’re also in the process of transferring responsibility for commercial vehicle roadworthiness testing from Local Authorities. I understand legislation is pending for this. (On ‘A’ list of legislation)

This is all the more impressive when one considers that the RSA intends moving towards 100% self funding as new functions come on stream. Since your establishment the RSA has consistently reduced its dependency on exchequer funding and seeks to deliver services on a cost recovery basis. Well done!

Your organization has what is arguably one of the most succinct forceful and inspiring maxims of any public body. – "Working to save lives" And how have you delivered!

Since your establishment in 2006 you have been to the forefront of challenging and overcoming Ireland's appalling road safety record. In conjunction with the Gardaí, local authorities, the HSE and other public bodies, Ireland has made significant gains in its road safety performance. It has seen sustained reductions in road deaths in each of the last six years. 2011 saw the lowest number of fatalities, 185, since records were first collected in 1959. While impressive – its still 185 too many!

Ireland is now the sixth safest country in the EU up from 17th place and you are striving to be the very safest.

In Memory

Today we remember two of your dear colleagues who sadly are no longer with us, Vincent Lowry died suddenly in 2009. Sandra Herbert and her beautiful daughter Rachel lost their lives in tragic circumstances just before Christmas. Vincent and Sandra were much loved colleagues at the RSA The RSA has sought to commemorate their memory by naming two meeting rooms in the building after them.