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Speech by the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny T.D., on the occasion of the Mayor's Ball in Galway, Saturday 12th May 2012

Mayor Naughton

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen.

I’m delighted to be with you tonight. Occasions like this show how we are at

our best when we come together in common purpose. For generations, Meitheal,

is what kept communities strong, spirits high.

Even in the darkest times, its innate sense of community, this sense of

togetherness is deep in the Irish psyche.  It sustained us through a

history of oppression, occupation, rebellion, famine and dispossession.

In recent years, there was a tendency to retreat within ourselves.  The

challenges we face now have seen us rethink this... as those of us who need

a hand and will give a hand.....are reminded of the truth of the saying is

faoi scath a cheile a mhaireann na daoine.

As Taoiseach, I believe passionately, that Ireland  must be a country where

we live always, not in the shadow, but the shelter of each other.    I

believe this compassion and idea of what will fire and

inspire us as we make our journey, together, on the difficult road to

recovery.Yesterday, Michael D Higgins, the greatly loved adopted son of

this parish.... a poet politician, philosopher and now this country’s

President, was honoured here by being given the Freedom of the City, by his


At his inauguration, I spoke of our President’s dignity, his brilliance,

his compassion, his lifelong commitment to people on the margins.The work

he has done and continues to do, shows his commitment to our fellow

Irishmen and Irishwomen who have been banished to the margins of life and

its living.

Mayoral Ball

From its inauguration in 1972 in the Seapoint ballroom, this event owes so

much to one woman: Mary Bennett.

Thanks to Mary Bennett, over €2 million has been raised by Galway people,

for Galway people and charities.

I want to thank and congratulate Mary Bennett tonight. She is a living

example of what can be done.

Equally deserving of our gratitude are the beneficiaries of tonight’s

event, Waterside House (Cope), ISPCC, Galway Contact and Enable Ireland.

You walk the walk. You shine that light. You make that difference.

I salute you for the work you do, the care you give, the compassion you

share.  You are the hidden heroes.The Lord Mayor’s Ball has long been a

highlight of the Galway’s social calendar.But it’s not what I’d call a Ball

of the.... Briathar Soar.....where it all just happens.  Rugadh agus togadh

e. Tonight is also a night of celebration. It is traditionally held at the

end of a Mayoralty. In this I would like to commend Mayor Hildegarde

Naughton on her recent term of Office.I would like, in particular, to

commend her on a number of initiatives during that term namely:∙       

  • the “Know Your Council” School Competition,     
  • the Galway Transport Initiative    ∙       
  • the promotion development of canals and waterways in

    the city

These are good initiatives. Done in collaboration with NUI

Galway. Our young people are the future. If we can get them involved with

and passionate about politics and public service then, as a nation, we will

avoid past mistakes and truly begin to renew our Republic.Tourism, of

course, is vital for our future. Galway is a much sought after tourist

destination. Anything that enhances the tourist experience is to be

encouraged.  Hence I welcome the focus on developing Galway’s canals and

waterways.Look at the success of the Volvo Ocean Race.  Once bitten in 2009

– they had to come back -   And why?  Just look around. The people, the

warmth, the welcome…But also because of the quality of the offering.This is

a City, a Community that carries itself with confidence, and projects

itself with pride on land – with the Arts Festival and on sea with the

Volvo Ocean Race. Recent job and investment announcements in Galway

highlight the value of investor confidence in getting the economy back on

track -SAP (250 jobs in City West and in Galway)Cisco (115 jobs in

Galway)HP (280 jobs in Galway and Kildare) ConclusionIn conclusion, I want

to thank Hildegarde for having me here tonight.I also want to wish the

Meyrick Hotel another 160 years of business on this your 160th year of

being in Galway.  Within 24 hours you have had the President and Taoiseach

in this historic establishment, and done it with elan.

Thank you all. Enjoy

your evening.