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Statement by Alan Shatter T. D. Minister for Justice and Equality: Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and the United States of America on the use and transfer of Passenger Name Records to the United States Department of Homeland Security

A Cheann Comhairle,

I  move the motion.  This Motion is to enable Ireland to participate in the Agreement  between  the EU and the United States on the use and transfer of Passenger  Name  Records  (PNR)  to the US Department of Homeland Security, which has been adopted by the Council of Ministers.

I  propose that Ireland should exercise the option provided by Article 4 of Protocol  21  to  the  Treaty  on  the Functioning of the European Union to accept  a  measure  after  it  has  been adopted by the Council.  The prior approval  of both Houses of the Oireachtas is required to enable Ireland to exercise that option.

This  Agreement  replaces the current EU-US PNR Agreement which has been in operation  since  2007.   That  Agreement has been renegotiated in order to address   concerns   that  had  been  raised  about  proportionality,  data protection and data security aspects.

A  new  Agreement  was signed in December 2011 to cover the ongoing use and transfer  of  PNR  data  to  the  US  authorities.  The European Parliament considered the Agreement in detail and approved its terms on 19 April 2012. The Agreement was then concluded by the Council of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers at its meeting on 26 April 2012.

PNR  data  is  information about passengers’ travel plans that is collected and  held  by  air  carriers  as  part  of their reservations systems.  The Agreement will require the airlines to provide a portion of the information they  already  collect  to the US authorities for the purposes of combating terrorism and serious, transnational crime.

PNR  data  is  a  tool  of  proven  value  to  law  enforcement services in counter-terrorism  and  serious crime investigations, particularly in cases of  trafficking  in drugs and persons, and a number of countries, including the  UK,  Canada,  Sweden,  Spain, the US and Australia have been using PNR data for these purposes for some years now.

PNR data has been of benefit in investigations into a number of significant transnational,  organised  crime  cases, involving the trafficking of human beings and drug smuggling.  It can be an essential support to investigating and prosecuting who would prey on and profit from the misery of others.

The  use  of PNR data was instrumental in the prosecution and conviction of David  Headley  for his involvement in facilitating the atrocious terrorist attacks  in  Mumbai,  India  in November 2008, in which 164 innocent people lost  their lives.  By entering details of his first name, a partial travel itinerary  and  a  possible  travel  window  into  the  PNR database, David Headley’s  full  name,  address  and  passport number were obtained. He was subsequently arrested and pleaded guilty to terrorism-related charges. 

While  this  measure is an important support to the fight against terrorism and  serious  crime,  I  am  very  conscious of the need to ensure that the rights  of  citizens  are  not subjected to unnecessary or disproportionate intrusion.   It  is  important to strike an appropriate balance, especially with  regard  to  the  protection  of  personal  data,  and  I believe this Agreement does just that.

A  Cheann  Comhairle, time does not allow for a full description of all the provisions  in  the  Agreement.   However,  we had a very full and detailed debate on this proposal at the Justice Committee last week.

The  Agreement  contains a number of specific safeguards in relation to the use  of  the  PNR  data.   In particular, the processing of the PNR data is strictly limited to the purpose of preventing, detecting, investigating and prosecuting terrorist offences and serious, transnational crime.

With  regard to the retention of the data, the PNR data will be retained by the  US  authorities  for  up  to  five  years  in  an active database with restrictions on access to it.  After the first six months the PNR data will be depersonalised, that is to say, fields that would identify an individual will be masked out.

After  the  initial  five-year  period,  the  depersonalised  data  will be transferred  to  an inactive database, with additional access restrictions.

In  the case of terrorist offences and related crimes, the data may then be retained  for  up to a further ten years (that is to say, for a total of 15 years  overall).  In the case of serious, transnational crimes the data can then  be  retained  for  up  to a further five years (that is to say, for a total of ten years overall).

The Agreement contains specific, tailored safeguards in relation to privacy and data protection, data security, oversight, accountability, transparency and rights of access to information, the correction of errors and redress.

Members  should  note  that  under the terms of the Agreement an individual will  have  the right to access his or her own data, to have incorrect data corrected  and  the  right  to redress for a violation of his or her rights under  the  Agreement.   The Agreement provides that the administrative and legal  safeguards  which  are  in  place  in  the  US  for privacy and data protection  are  available  to  all individuals, regardless of nationality, country of origin or place of residence.

The  Agreement  also provides for regular, joint review of its operation by the EU and US authorities, and for a joint evaluation of the Agreement four years after its entry into force.  The Agreement will remain in force for a period of seven years.

This proposal is one of a number of measures being taken at EU level in the justice  and home affairs field which arise from commitments set out in the 2009  Stockholm  Programme.  The Government is determined that Ireland will have  a  full,  active  and constructive engagement in bringing forward the European justice agenda. 

Given  the  potential  value  of  PNR  data  in  investigations  into  drug smuggling, human trafficking or international terrorism, and the importance of  giving  a  clear  demonstration of our continued support and solidarity with  the  international community in the fight against these activities, I recommend Ireland’s participation in this measure.