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Tánaiste's statement to the House on the death of Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe

A Ceann Comhairle,

An Garda Síochána perform a public service that is a cornerstone of our democracy. A service that allows us the freedom to live our lives, conduct our business, raise our families, in safety.

And to do that, they put their own safety on the line, every single day. Every time they leave their own families behind. Every time they answer a call for help. Every time they step up to perform their duty.

But as the callous murder of Detective Adrian Donohoe has so starkly underlined, An Garda Síochána are not just the guardians of our communities: they are pillars of our communities. An attack on a member of An Garda Síochána is an attack on us, as citizens, and on the community they serve.

I want to pay tribute to Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe – a man who lived the ideals of public service, and of service to his own community.

Adrian Donohoe was a member of the force who, through his actions, exemplified the philosophy of its first Commissioner, Michael Staines: that “the Garda Síochána will succeed not by force of arms or numbers, but on their moral authority as servants of the people.”

In the course of that service, it is not only he who made the ultimate sacrifice, but also his wife Caroline and their two children, and they have our deepest sympathy.

Finally, I would also like to extend my sympathy to Detective Garda Donohoe’s colleagues, and to the members of An Garda Síochána, and to express our gratitude for their continued work in the service of their communities.