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Topical Issues – Wednesday 17th April 2013, 1. The delay in processing Garda Vetting – John O’Mahony TD, 2. The urgent need to examine the procedures and time frames associated with the Garda vetting process – Patrick O’Donovan TD

1. The delay in processing Garda Vetting – John O’Mahony TD

2. The urgent need to examine the procedures and time frames associated

with the Garda vetting process – Patrick O’Donovan TD

Response by Minister of State Mr Dinny McGinley, TD, on behalf of Minister

for Justice, Equality and Defence Mr Alan Shatter TD

I am responding on behalf of Minister Shatter who regrets he is unable to

be here.

I thank the Deputies for raising this important matter. I should say at the

outset that since his appointment the Minister has given priority to doing

all he can to ensure that the vetting process operates efficiently and that

applications are dealt with as quickly as possible.

We should not be under any illusion about the scale of what is involved.

The Garda Central Vetting Unit provides employment vetting for

approximately 20,000 organisations in Ireland, registered with the Unit for

this purpose, which employ personnel to work in a full-time, part time,

voluntary or student capacity with children and / or vulnerable adults. The

Unit processed approximately 328,000 vetting applications on behalf of

these organisations in 2012.

There are 94 personnel assigned to the Garda Central Vetting Unit.

The current average processing time for applications is approximately 12

weeks from date of receipt. However, seasonal fluctuations and the

necessity to seek additional information on particular applications can

result in this processing time being exceeded on occasion.

All organisations registered for Garda Vetting are aware of the processing

time-frames for the receipt of Garda vetting and have been advised to

factor this into their recruitment and selection process.

In order to observe equity and fairness in respect of all applicants for

Garda Vetting, standard procedures are such that applications are processed

in chronological order, from the date of receipt at the Central Vetting


A vetting disclosure is made in response to a written request and with the

permission of the person who is the subject of that request. Garda vetting

disclosures are issued to specified organisations registered with the

Vetting Unit for that purpose in respect of a particular post or


The disclosure is made to the requesting, registered organisation of the

position at the time when it is issued.

Each time a new vetting application is received, a full vetting check is

conducted to ensure that the most recent data available is taken into

account. The non-transferability and contemporaneous nature of the

certificate protects against the risk of fraud or forgery and is a

guarantee of the integrity of the vetting service. It also affords the

registered organisation the facility to assess suitability based on the

most up to date information available on the applicant.

It is worth emphasising, at this point, that the primary purpose of the

vetting process is the protection of children and vulnerable adults and

this must remain the case.

The Minister has been pursuing all options to ensure that adequate

resources are available to the Vetting Unit. I think Deputies will welcome

the fact that following discussions with the Department of Public

Expenditure and Reform, sanction was granted for an additional 25 staff to

be re-deployed from the Department of Agriculture to the Garda Central

Vetting Unit in the near future. This should clearly have a positive effect

on matters.

The Minister has asked me to assure the House that it will remain a

priority to ensure that vetting applications will be dealt with as quickly

as possible.