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100 Days Progress in Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Export Growth

There has been a 13% increase in agri-food exports in the January to May period and estimated growth of more than €600 million is expected for the second consecutive year.


A full progress report on Food Harvest 2020 will be published in July. Recent actions include the rollout of a carbon calculation in quality assurance across the beef sector, the first of its kind globally, research programmes have been developed between Teagasc and meat processors Dawn and AIBP and a food entrepreneurs network is up and running. 

CAP and CFP Reform

Intensive lobbying has taken place on CAP reform and CFP reform the Minister has attended five meetings of the EU Council of Agriculture Ministers, and held bilaterals with Commissioners Ciolos and Geoghan Quinn, Damanaki and with French, Spanish and Danish ministers.


Minister Coveney has used opportunities at Council Meetings and bilateral discussions to raise Ireland’s concerns on MERCOSUR with Council colleagues.  There has also been serious engagement with the Commission services, cabinets of Commissioner Ciolos, Barroso and Geoghan Quinn, with MEPS, rapporteurs and officials from the European Parliament, at official level.


A memorandum of understanding has been signed between China and Ireland on sharing expertise in food safety, laboratory controls, veterinary systems, the seafood sector and animal husbandry, which it’s hoped will lead to stronger trade links. A memorandum of understanding has been signed between Ireland and Monaco on marine research and Minister Coveney will travel to the UK later this month to meet his New Zealand and British counterparts to discuss agri-food trade.

Marine Jobs Initiatives

158 jobs are to be created in the seafood sector by 2014, through the expansion of 18 companies in the seafood sector, who are investing €7.4m in processing, 25% grant aided.  A pilot jobs initiative has been launched in Killybegs, which will create 250 jobs by 2014.  A trade summit for seafood processors will take place in July, bringing owners of 900 French vessels to Ireland to discuss landing and processing fish here, creating jobs and revenue for coastal areas and a new initiative on offshore aquaculture is being developed.


Consultants have been engaged on a pro-bono basis to assist the Department in both the Comprehensive Spending Review and State Assets Review, agreement to pay a dividend to the State in 2011 has been secured from Coillte and the local office reorganisation has been completed, which will save €30m annually.