Category Index

The Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock T.D., today launched the Atlantic Corridor Conference on STEM Education, in Tullamore...

The first definitive results of the 2011 census, undertaken just less than a year ago on 10th April 2011, were released today and show that Ireland’s...

OPW Minister Brian Hayes announced recently the continuation of the OPW ‘Free Day’. The means that on the first Wednesday of every month this year...

Energy Minister, Pat Rabbitte, welcomes the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on offshore renewable energy research cooperation with the...

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter T.D. and the Minister of State for Disability, Equality, Mental Health and Older People...

A new €30 million fund for important sports capital projects has been launched today by Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Michael Ring....

"Spectacular Pace of Growth and Development Offer Irish Companies Countless Opportunities to Partner with Chinese Counterparts"...

A new €30 million fund for important sports capital projects has been launched today by Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Michael Ring TD...

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter, T.D., today announced that the Government has approved the drafting of the Criminal Justice (Search Powers) Bill as a priority...

At the invitation of H.E. Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, Taoiseach Enda Kenny paid an official visit to...

