Category Index

1st January 2012 Watch Taoiseach Enda Kenny's New Year message to the nation...

I welcome His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI's message for the 45th World Day of Peace 2012 and his theme of “Educating Young People in Justice and Peace”.

Ireland’s 2012 Chair of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (the OSCE) will seek to address protracted conflicts, promote Internet freedom and strengthen co-operation between the 56 OSCE participating States, said the new...

Funding for the Coast Guard and the RNLI will be protected at existing levels in 2012, Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar confirmed today (Saturday). Speaking during a New Year’s Eve visit to thank volunteers at the Coast Guard Station at...

Minister Fitzgerald stated “since becoming Minister for Children and Youth Affairs I have taken every opportunity to foster and develop relationships with the Vietnamese authorities. Many ...

Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht is pleased to announce today (Friday 30th December, 2011) that the National Famine Commemoration Committee which he...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD today [Thursday] announced that the right to recoup a percentage of the proceeds of any resale of a work of art will extend to heirs of the artist and ...

The Memorial Committee is pursuing the erection of a Memorial to victims of institutional abuse as recommended in the Ryan Report. A budget of up to €0.5 million is being set...

The Minister of State for Trade and Development, Joe Costello T.D., today announced the arrival of emergency shelter supplies to assist thousands of families left homeless by the typhoon which hit the Philippines earlier this month...

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Leo Varadkar has announced that €5,392,334 will be allocated to the six regional airports to cover a portion of their operating costs incurred in 2011...

