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Minister Creed announces further €1m funding to nine Coastal Local Authorities for 16 Harbour Development projects

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD, today announced details of an extended programme to assist 9 Coastal Local Authorities undertake and complete 16 development and repair projects on harbours and slipways owned by them (see table below for details). This €1m package augments the €2.8m already approved by the Minister in March and means that in total 67 Local Authority developments will receive funding under the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marines’ 2017 Fishery harbour and Coastal Infrastructure Development Programme.
The Minister said” I am delighted to announce this additional €1m funding to assist Local Authorities in the repair and development of fishery and aquaculture linked marine harbours under their ownership.

The Local Authority programme forms part of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marines’ 2017 Fishery harbour and Coastal Infrastructure Development Programme, whereby the Department co-funds up to 75% the total cost of approved projects with the Local Authority providing the balance.
The Minister went on to say “ Between 2011 and 2016 , in excess of €22.5m has been granted to Local Authorities for work under taken on 437 projects under the Local Authority element of my Departments capital programme. This, in conjunction with the €3.8m in total for 67 projects this year constitutes a significant investment in rural communities spread along Irelands’ coastline ensuring a broad geographic spread of economic and social benefits accruing from the programme.”

Extended 2017 Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine funded Local Authority works

County Council Location Works DAFM funding @ 75%

New Quay
Replace Steps and repair slipway 24,000
Clare County Council
Total Clare 24,000

Lusitania Pier Slipway repairs and refurbishment 37,500
Ballydonegan Pier Repair existing sea walls and steps, install railings and toerails 11,250
Brown’s Island Pier Repair existing damaged pier 45,000
Cork County Council Total Cork 93,750
Glengad Reconstruction of quay wall
Port Inver Reconstruction of pier head and provision of new steps and ladders 27,000
Scailpnaloing Owey Island Reconstruction of berting face and provision of new steps and railings 45,000
Donegal County Council Total Donegal 102,000
Droim, Leitirmoir Slipway and pier extension 112,500
Céibh san Ard Thoir, Carna Pier repairs and reinforcement 75,000
Galway County Council Total Galway 187,500
Fenit Pier 2 Structural repairs, including grouting, stabilisation works and strengthening of junction between viaduct and Fenit Harbour 60,000
Kerry County Council Total Kerry 60,000
Killerduff Pier Repairs to harbour deck/slipway and breakwater wall, safety works 75,000
Kilcummin Harbour Construct new section of breakwater wall 67,500
Rathlackan Pier ** Repairs to harbour deck/slipway and breakwater wall, safety works, lighting improvements, replacement of winch 112,500
Mayo County Council
Total Mayo 255,000
Boatstrand North Pier Structural over-slabbing to North Face of pier 112,500
Waterford County Council
Total Waterford 112,500
Courtown Harbour 2 Basin dredging works 112,500
Wexford County Council Total Wexford 112,500
Wicklow Port, Packet Pier Proving and drainage works 112,500
Wicklow County Council Total Wicklow
Total 1,059,750