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Minister Deenihan launches MythFest 2014 in Rose Garden, Trinity College.

Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, will this afternoon at 1.20 p.m. launch MythFest 2014 in Rose Garden, Trinity College, Dublin 2.

The event will run from the 3 – 7 June, hosting a myriad of activities for the general public from 10:30-22:00 every day. Mythfest aims to bring mythology to life and immerse people in the creatures, characters and colours of ancient Irish legend. The festival will provide a platform for the revisiting, reimagining and interrogation of Ireland’s unique and incredibly vibrant allegorical history. The festival’s main focal point will come in the form of a major new theatre piece, created in collaboration with award-winning Irish writer Shaun Dunne, which is based on the story of Deirdre of the Sorrows.

Speaking in advance of the launch, Minister Deenihan commented:

“Ireland has one of the richest literary and mythical histories of any country in the world. The ethos of this festival, to bring this rich history to the people, right here on the streets of Dublin, is to be commended. By staging the pieces in outdoor locations across the city, as well as the main stage here in the Rose Garden, some of Dublin’s most iconic cultural landmarks will be transformed into ‘living arts spaces’, appropriate settings, I feel, for the contemporary regeneration of our most ancient and beloved literary works.”