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Minister Humphreys announces small cultural funding schemes are open for applications

€415,000 in funding for three schemes and Cross Border Orchestra

The Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional Rural and the Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphreys TD, has today (Thursday) announced that three cultural funding schemes operated by her Department are now open for applications and has encouraged interested groups and organisations to avail of the funding.

The schemes are:
Co-operation with Northern Ireland Scheme (closing date for applications: May 19th 2017).
Local and Regional Museum Scheme (closing date for applications: May 19th 2017).
Mobility of collections Scheme (closing date for applications: July 31st 2017).

The Co-operation with Northern Ireland Funding scheme supports small self-contained projects which seek to enhance, celebrate or commemorate the artistic, cultural, musical, film or heritage of the Island of Ireland on a North/South basis. The Minister has increased funding available under the scheme by 27% for 2017. This includes a dedicated fund of €100,000 to the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland for their participation in the Peace Proms and €140,000 in funding available for other co-operation projects. Grants are limited to a ceiling of €15,000.

The Local and Regional Museum Scheme provides small capital grants of up to €15,000 on a matched funding basis (75%:25%) for local, regional and specialised museums. Meanwhile, the Mobility of Collections Scheme helps fund the transport, cost of insurance and exhibiting costs for pieces from the National Collections to appropriate institutions around the country.

Speaking today, Minister Humphreys said:
“The funding provided under these three schemes, while relatively modest, can make a huge impact on the groups, projects and communities which benefit. I am delighted to provide ongoing support for the Cross Border Orchestra, which played such a special role in our centenary celebrations last year. I would also encourage other projects to consider applying for funding under the Co-operation with Northern Ireland Scheme, with grants of up to €15,000 available.

“Supporting our regional museums and the sharing of items from our National Cultural Institutions is facilitated by the Local and Regional Museum Scheme and Mobility of collections Scheme. This helps to provides greater access to our national cultural heritage in regional areas, which is something I strongly support.”

Notes to Editor:

Funding available is as follows:
Local and Regional Scheme: €150,000
Mobility of Collections Scheme: €25,000
Co-Operation with Northern Ireland funding scheme: €140,000
Cross Border Orchestra/Peace PROMS have been allocated €100,000

Details and application criteria with respect to all three schemes is located on the Department's website at