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Ministers extend their congratulations to Colin Lynch

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross TD, and Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Patrick O’Donovan TD, today congratulated Paralympian Colin Lynch on his Silver medal in the C2 Time Trial Road Race at the Paralympic Games in Rio.
Minister Ross said: ’I am delighted for Colin, he performed magnificently and powered to a Silver medal, Ireland’s fourth medal of the games, I know Colin would have been disappointed following the London Games, but he overcame that disappointment in tremendous fashion and can be very pleased with his efforts today, and we are all proud of those efforts.”

Minister O’Donovan added: ‘It was a tremendous performance by Colin today and I am sure his family are very proud of him, as we all are. Team Ireland continues to perform well and Colin’s Silver keeps the momentum up and I am sure keeps expectations high. I want to add my congratulations to Colin and his coaches, a medal on the World Stage is always a proud moment.’