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Bernard Collins to resign as the Chairman of the VHI: Statement by Health Minister Dr James Reilly TD

The Minister for Health Dr James Reilly has today (28th June 2012) learned of the intended departure of the Chairman of the VHI Mr Bernard Collins.

Mr Collins has announced that he will resign as the Chairman with effect from the 8th of September. His move, after nine years in the position, represents a significant change for the organisation and the loss of a man with a wide range of experience and knowledge from his many interests.


Mr Collins’ tenure as the Chairman of the organisation has seen many changes in the sector and his departure comes at a time of imminent radical reform of health care services in Ireland which will place many new challenges and opportunities on the sector.


The VHI yesterday announced the appointment of its new Chief Executive John O'Dwyer and Minister Reilly has indicated that he intends to move quickly to find a replacement for Mr Collins as it is essential to have a strong team in place to meet the many complex changes that lie ahead in the area of health insurance.