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British water polo team to train in Ireland for London Olympics - Minister Varadkar

Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar has announced that the British water polo team will travel to Ireland to train for the London Olympics in the run-up to the National Aquatic Centre in Blanchardstown.

Minister Varadkar said today (Thursday) that he is delighted to make this announcement, which highlights the importance of the National Aquatic Centre as a key sporting facility.

Minister Varadkar said: ‘The British team was so impressed by the National Aquatic Centre when they came here in March, they have decided to come back to Ireland to train for the London Olympics’.

“The fact that the British water polo team has chosen Ireland, and the National Sports Campus in Blanchardstown in particular, for its pre-Olympic training demonstrates what a magnificent world class facility we have at the National Aquatic Centre.”

The British water polo team will use the NAC for a two-week training session in July 2012, immediately before the London Olympics. The development is a direct result of the international matches held at the NAC earlier this year, between the British and Hungarian water-polo men’s senior squads.

The news was also welcomed by Minister of State for Tourism & Sport Michael Ring, who chairs the Inter-Agency Committee in the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport which is promoting Irish involvement in the London Olympics.

Minister Ring said: ‘I’m delighted that the Committee’s hard work is once again bearing fruit. We have already secured the US Olympic synchronized swimming squad and the British paralympic swimming squad, which will both be using the NAC as a training base for the Olympics’.

“The Inter-Agency Committee will work right up to the Olympics. As well as seeking to attract national teams to train in Ireland, we are staging Irish cultural events in London, and promoting Ireland as a destination for Londoners hoping to escape the Olympics.”