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Coveney announces provision of new Agent Facility on the Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) System

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, announced today that a new Agent facility has been provided for use on the Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) System, formerly known as CMMS.

This Agent facility allows farmers to nominate an Agency/Agent to submit calf birth registrations and movements electronically to AIM on their behalf or for an Agency/Agent to view their data on AIM using for advisory purposes.

The Agency/Agent can be [1] a Teagasc advisor, [2] an agricultural consultant or [3] any third party that the keeper nominates for this purpose.

The Minister said that where a farmer nominates an Agency/Agent to submit data to AIM on her/his behalf, that farmer/Agent can apply to use the AIM database as an electronic herd register. A farmer using the electronic herd register can dispense with the requirement to maintain the on farm bovine herd register, known as the blue book.

Up to now the use of the AIM database as an electronic herd register was available only to farmers who were registered for online services and submitted the registration of calves and farm to farm movements electronically at or farmers who used farm software packages approved by the Department as an electronic herd register.

The Minister highlighted that the provision of the new Agent facility demonstrates the Department’s continued commitment to expanding the range of electronic services available to its clients and to reducing the administrative burden on farmers.

The Minister concluded by indicating that interested parties can download the necessary application forms from the Department’s website at under Animal Identification and Movement. Alternatively, a copy of the form to authorise an Agency/Agent can be obtained at the local Department offices.