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An Tánaiste announces launch of new Garda Reserve recruitment campaign

The Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald TD, today announced the launch of a new recruitment campaign for Reserve members of An Garda Síochána.
Announcing the new campaign, the Tánaiste said: “This new campaign is necessary to fulfil the Programme for Government commitment to increase the strength of the Garda Reserve to 2,000 by 2021, to act in a supportive role undertaking local patrols and crime reduction measures. The aim is to recruit 300 Reserves in 2017.”
“Reserve members have undergone training in many of the skills required to be an effective full-time member of An Garda Síochána and it is important that we build on the very real contribution that they are making to the policing of communities right across the country. The increase in the strength of the Reserve will allow the Commissioner to make full use of the Reserve to support the delivery of an effective, visible Police Service in our communities.”
The Tánaiste went on to encourage anyone interested in pursuing policing as a career to consider first becoming a member of the Reserve where they can see at first-hand what being a Guard actually involves. The Tánaiste continued “There is now a separate recruitment stream for members of the Reserve who want to become Guards that recognises the commitment and dedication of Reserve members and their important contribution to policing the State. The ongoing accelerated recruitment to fulfil the Government’s commitment to increase the strength of An Garda Síochána to 15,000 members also continues.”

Briefing note for editors:
Applications must be made through The closing date for applications is Thursday 13 April 2017
The Reserve perform policing duties as determined by the Garda Commissioner, while accompanied by full time Gardaí. Their role is to provide local patrols and participate in crime prevention initiatives targeted at specific local problem areas. Reserve members are also involved in policing major incidents and events, and in providing other operational support to full time Gardaí. In recent years the Garda Commissioner has conferred further powers on reserve members under the Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994 and the Road Traffic Act 1961 and has also decided that they should carry out more duties including the serving of summonses, and the issuing of Fixed Charge Penalty Notices where offences are detected.