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Minister for Justice and Equality, Ms. Frances Fitzgerald, T.D., at the launch of the 2013 Annual Report of the Parole Board, 10 Sept 2014

Address by the Minister for Justice and Equality, Ms. Frances Fitzgerald,

T.D., at the launch of the 2013 Annual Report of the Parole Board

Wednesday 10th September, 2014

Thank you Chairman for giving us that overview of the significant work of

the Parole Board during 2013.

This is the first year we have held such a launch of the Annual Report and

I think it marks a fitting opportunity to acknowledge the important work

and contribution of the Parole Board in advising the Minister for Justice

and Equality on the future management of prisoners serving sentences of

imprisonment greater than eight years.

This contribution is very evident from the Board’s Annual Report for 2013

which highlights how the Board’s total caseload in 2013 was 329, resulting

in 95 recommendations.

Of course where parole is granted, this is temporary release, subject to

supervision in the community by the Probation Service. This is not


I note with interest that those who were granted supervised temporary

release during the time period 2005 to 2013 had already spent, on average,

18 years in prison before release.

The public may be surprised that this compares to an average of just over 7

½ years for releases dating from 1975 to 1984, just under 12 years for the

period dating from 1985 to 1994 and just under 14 years for the period

dating from 1995 to 2004.

So the length of time being spent in prison before parole is lengthening.

In all of this, I must say, that as Minister, it is welcoming to know that

the recommendations on sentence management and early release which land on

my desk have been subject to such careful process and consideration by an

independent mechanism; and I thank all the members of the Parole Board for

your efforts.

I have read with interest the detailed foreword from your distinguished

Chairman and I note that the Board and the Secretariat have worked very

hard to ensure reviews of prisoners are heard promptly and to encourage

greater participation by prisoners in the Parole process.

I welcome the Board’s initiative in making a number of presentations

throughout the year to groups of prisoners in 4 prisons to explain the

parole process.


The launch of this report is timely. As Minister for Justice, I have

committed to a programme of comprehensive reform in the administration of

Justice in this state.

This includes reform in policing, such as establishing a new Independent

Policing Authority, with legislation to be introduced in the Dáil shortly.

This includes reform in the courts, such as establishing a new Court of


And this must include reform in the areas of prisons, sentencing and penal

policy generally.

But I am not interested in reform for the sake of reform.

Reform is about making a real difference… about improving outcomes.

Of course, when it comes to discussing ‘outcomes’ in the context of penal

policy, many questions emerge.

There are big questions; such as: how do we deliver on the societal need

for punishment to be served, while at the same time seeking to reduce

crime, through reducing reoffending and rates of recidivism?

There are more specific questions:

· When is a prison sentence warranted?

· When has a prisoner served long enough?

This last question is one which the Parole Board has particular expertise

in addressing.

But many other questions are up for debate; and this is debate I look

forward to fostering as we progress down the road of reform.

Penal Policy Review

As many of you will know that, in line with a recommendation of the

Thornton Hall Review Group, the Penal Policy Review Group was established

in September 2012 and was tasked with carrying out an all encompassing

strategic review of penal policy. This review has involved wide-ranging

consultation and will have implications for the future direction and

implementation of penal policy in Ireland.

Next week I will publish its report and I look forward to both debating its

findings and recommendations and moving on to implement important reforms.

I particularity look forward to bring proposals to Government on

strengthening (and legislating for) the position and role of the Parole

Board, which I will do in the near future, on foot of the recommendations

of the Penal Policy Review


In considering reforms and developments… in any area of policy… I believe

we must take a pro-active approach in understanding and being informed by

the most up-to-date and incisive research data and analysis available.

This was an approach I promoted in my previous role as Minister for

Children & Youth Affairs, where I particularly championed the ‘Growing Up

in Ireland’ longitudinal study.

The same applies when it comes to penal policy. I welcome the work by the

Irish Prison Service, Probation Service and CSO to compile and provide

better statistics on the prison population.

Similarly I commend the Parole Board on your approach in seeking to include

three year statistics for period 2011 to 2013 in the Annual Report we are

launching here today - the first time that such data has been provided by

the Parole Board.

Alcohol & Drugs

In reading the Annual Report, I was taken by one set of statistics in

particular which highlight how drink and drugs played a part in offences

committed in over half of the cases reviewed by the Parole Board from 2011

to 2013.

This is yet further evidence, if any was ever needed, of the devastating

impact of the misuse and abuse of alcohol and drugs.

Too many lives, too many opportunities are broken by addiction and

resultant high-risk behaviour.

As Minister for Children and Youth Affairs I saw harsh reality of the

influence of alcohol and drugs in child abuse cases and more of the

children neglect cases.

Now, as Minister for Justice, I am seeing similar trends all over again in

terms of the influence on alcohol and drugs on criminal offending.

Addressing the scourge of substance misuse is; and must remain, a priority

for the whole-of-Government and for a broad range of services ranging from

early intervention to family support. Nonetheless as Minister for Justice I

am determined to work with the Agencies under my remit to address the

issues involved.

In this regard, I am concerned by the findings of today’s Annual Report

which refer to difficulties experienced by some prisoners in accessing

therapeutic services and having no therapeutic work undertaken before their

first review.

I know improvements are being made to deal with these issues and the Irish

Prison Service will have my full support in implementing and introducing

improvements and changes.


I wish to commend the Parole Board on their Inaugural Conference held in

October, 2013 which was a great success. The theme of the conference was

‘Parole in Ireland – The Way Forward’. International speakers from Canada,

Finland, Scotland and Northern Ireland informed the conference of how

parole operates in their jurisdictions.


The discussions at the conference focussed on several aspects of the parole

process, including the role of victims and the extent to which they should

be involved in the process.

I note that an important consideration for the Parole Board is the

involvement of victims in the review process. Victims can make a written

submission to the Board in advance of a review. The Board members will take

into consideration the views of victims and the impact on their lives prior

to making a recommendation to me.

I wish to say the issue of victim representation on the Parole Board is

one which I intend to explore in the context of bringing proposals to

Government on strengthening (and legislating for) the position and role of

the Parole Board,

In addition, I wish also to affirm my absolute commitment to strengthening

supports for victims of crime. Central to this, I am determined to see the

EU Directive on Victim Rights implemented in Ireland in 2015.

Prison Developments

I wish to refer to a number of other developments in the prisons area.

Central to helping offenders to reform is the need to provide modern and

humane prison conditions that contribute to such rehabilitation. In that

regard, a 40 month capital programme is being implemented by the Irish

Prison Service to eliminate slopping out and to improve prison conditions

in the older part of the prison estate. Work is continuing on the

modernisation project at Mountjoy prison. "D" Wing is the last wing

requiring refurbishment and work commenced on this in May of this year. As

a result slopping out has ended in Mountjoy Prison and once the

refurbishment project is completed all cells in the prison will have

in-cell sanitation.

I am pleased to say that construction of a new prison in Cork began in

January of this year with a completion date of the third quarter of 2015.

The refurbishment project in Mountjoy and the construction of the new

prison in Cork are testament to this Government delivering on its

commitment in the Programme for Government to the modernisation of the

prison estate, the elimination of slopping out and improving prison

conditions and accommodation generally to a point where the focus can now

be on the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders where possible back

into society and in to our communities. Prisoners are people - our people -

and we must do what we can to support them and make our communities safer.


The work of the Parole Board is very much dependant on the support and

active co-operation of a number of agencies in the criminal justice area

who give of their collective expertise to inform the Board and contribute

to the range of information that can impact on the Board’s recommendations.

Like the Chairman, I would like to acknowledge that work and take this

opportunity to thank the Irish Prison Service, local prison management, the

Probation and Psychology Services, An Garda Síochána and the many other

services involved with prisoners for the support given to the Parole Board

and my Department on a daily basis. This support is crucial to the smooth

running of the business of the Board.


I want to finish by again thanking the Board, its Chairman Mr. John

Costello, members, and the staff of the Board for the important

contribution you make in your work and to wish you well in the coming year.

Thank you.