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Dublin City one of 3 cities short-listed for World Design Capital 2014

Arts Minister Jimmy Deenihantoday today welcomed the announcement that Dublin is one of just three cities worldwide to be shortlisted to become World Design Capital 2014. The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) announced today that the prestigious designation, awarded biannually to cities that use design to benefit people socially, culturally and economically will be awarded for 2014 to either, Bilbao or Capetown or Dublin. The winning city will be announced this autumn and the Minister wished the Dublin bid every success.

The Dublin bid, 'Pivot Dublin, Turn Design Inside Out' is a collaboration between the four Dublin local authorities. Minister Deenihan’s own Department also assisted at bid preparatory stage. Minister Deenihan congratulated the local authorities and noted in particular the success that came of collaboration. To be in the top 3 out of a field of 56 is an amazing achievement, he said. He also said...

“2014 is a hugely important year for Dublin; a year in which the millennium of the Battle of Clontarf would be commemorated, and there was an interesting symmetry between the contemporary Dublin and its pivotal position in Viking history at the turn of the second last millennium”.

The Minister noted that creativity and design was again in the lead in promoting Ireland internationally and that our reputation in that sphere remained undiminished. The Minister believed that success in winning the designation would provide a significant confidence, employment, tourism and economic premium for the city.