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250 contact centre jobs in Eishtec, Waterford – Bruton

Major expansion by Eishtec with new contract and jobs creation backed by government through Enterprise Ireland

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton TD today (Friday) announced that Eishtec, a Waterford-based company providing consumer contact centre services, is to create 250 new jobs by mid-2012 as part of a major new expansion at its new custom built facility situated at the Cleaboy Business Park, Waterford. This investment is part funded by the Government through Enterprise Ireland. Recruitment for the new positions is currently underway.

The Minister made the announcement when he visited the company’s facility in Waterford this morning. The growth is on the back of Eishtec securing a contract to provide customer service sales support for Orange customers, one of the UK’s leading mobile brands. Orange is run by the UK’s biggest communications company, Everything Everywhere.

Making the announcement Minister Bruton said:


‘The South East region has persistently had higher than average levels of unemployment, and has suffered disproportionately from the economic collapse. That is why last month I published the South East Employment Action Plan, a key part of which was that a clear priority would be assigned to the region by the State enterprise agencies under the remit of my Department.

‘In the context of the recent job losses at Talk Talk, today’s announcement that 250 contact centre jobs are to be created by an Irish company in Waterford with State support is a major boost for the city and shows what is possible with the right government priority and determination.

‘However we are not going to address the region’s problems overnight. At the centre of my plan to bring employment to the South East is a recognition that the structural challenges in the region can only be addressed through a concerted process over several years involving Government, political, community, and other stakeholders in the region. We have started that process and with the right approach today’s announcement can be replicated over the coming years".

‘I congratulate Enterprise Ireland, as well as the Eishtec management team and their staff for their ambitious plans and their commitment to cementing the future of this company as a leading player in the sector’.

Eishtec was set up by Heather Reynolds, Brian Barry and Colm Tracey in early 2011 and currently employs 30 people. The company is now recruiting for roles across sales campaigns and is in ongoing discussions with additional clients to provide further growth over the longer term. They will be drawing on a long established skills base in Waterford for customer services in the internet, landline and mobile market.

Heather Reynolds, Eishtec’s Director of Operations said: ‘This is a significant win for Eishtec, for Waterford and Ireland. We have the skills and experience in our team to provide the highest quality services to Orange and help support the achievement of its business objectives. We're delighted we can maintain a proud tradition in Waterford of providing market-leading customer services to blue chip organisations. We expect to grow this business to create further employment and opportunities in our local community, with the welcome support of Enterprise Ireland’.

Frank Ryan, CEO of Enterprise Ireland added: ‘Enterprise Ireland is delighted to provide funding to support Eishtec’s expansion. This is an ambitious and innovative company with a proven track record in high quality service delivery. It is exciting to see this company grow the business and provide high quality jobs in Waterford. We believe the experience of the founders and the available skilled resources in Waterford make this an extremely positive investment for the future’.