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Bruton leads 3-day trade mission to France

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today travelled to France on a 3-day trade mission, accompanied by 36 Irish companies.

Exports of Irish-owned companies to France have been experiencing strong growth – 14% in 2011 – and total Irish exports to France are now worth €10billion per year.  One of the key aims of the mission is to build on this momentum to further increase sales by Irish companies with existing and new local partners in France.  A total of 199 companies, 53 Irish and 146 French, are involved in the mission which is part of Enterprise Ireland’s schedule of trade missions to key priority international markets to drive increased Irish exports.  

The participating Irish companies are drawn from a range of sectors with a particular focus on highlighting the depth of capability Irish companies have to offer in agri-technology and the cleantech sectors.

Minister Bruton’s schedule during the visit includes a series of meetings across the Brittany and Paris regions with leading French companies and their Irish partners and events to promote Irish exporters in key sectors: agri-technologies, cleantech, engineering and construction.  This intensive schedule reflects the importance which the Government attaches to Ireland’s economic and trade relationship with France.

This is the ninth major trade and investment mission Minister Bruton has undertaken sine taking office.

Speaking before his departure Minister Bruton said: 

Two-way trade between Ireland and France is currently running at record levels and there is a clear opportunity for further substantial growth over the next three years.  France is now Ireland’s fourth largest export market and the third largest market for Irish-owned SME exports. The continued strong growth of Irish companies exports to France, at 14% in 2011, represents an excellent performance and highlights that there are significant further opportunities for increased trade and partnerships between Irish and French companies.  

Jobs are at the very top of this Government’s agenda, and a central part of the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs is to increase export activity with key markets such as France. Our trade relationship with France is already very strong and this mission is about cementing and building on these existing links and opening new doors for increased export business and collaborative business ventures.

Read the full press release here.