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500 jobs for Cork - Bruton

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton and Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney today welcomed the announcement that


Tyco, a multinational fire and security company, has proposed to establish a business services centre in Cork that could see Tyco potentially create more than 500 positions locally over three years.

The proposed establishment of a business services centre in Cork will enable the company to improve the efficiency of processes in several central support functions, including sourcing and procurement, customer service, research and development, information technology, and finance.

Those who are interested in potential employment at the centre are encouraged to visit the company’s local career website at

 to submit credentials for consideration.

Minister Bruton said:

Foreign direct investment is a key part of the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs, and in the past two years we have added over 13,000 jobs in multinational companies in Ireland. Today’s announcement that Tyco is establishing an operation in Cork with the potential to create more than 500 jobs is a huge boost for the city and for Ireland. I am determined that with the strong implementation of our plan we can see further announcements like this to create the jobs we need.

Read the full press release here.