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Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton TD, announces 35 new jobs at Western Union facilities in Dublin

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton TD, today (5


March 2012) announced the creation of 35 new jobs by Western Union at their European office in Clonskeagh, Dublin 14. Western Union’s office in Clonskeagh has grown from 5 employees in 2003 to a current staff of nearly 100 people.

Western Union is the world’s largest money transfer and payment services provider and has around 485,000 agent locations in more than 200 countries and territories. Western Union Payment Services International Ltd. is headquartered in Clonskeagh, Dublin, and today’s job announcements further demonstrate the confidence global multinational companies have in Ireland’s economic recovery and as place for doing for business."

Announcing the jobs, Minister of State for European Affairs Creighton stated that:

"The international financial services sector in Ireland is comprised of more than 500 firms, employing more than 33,000 people directly and financial services represent a tax contribution of €2.1 billion and approximately 7.4% of Irish GDP."Western Union, and the 35 new jobs announced today, are helping to spread the benefits of Ireland’s success in attracting international financial services beyond the IFSC to areas such as Clonskeagh in the South-East of the City. This commitment greatly contributes to meeting the Government’s target of creating 10,000 new jobs in the financial services sector by the end of 2016 and is a significant boost to the local area."The Taoiseach has said that he wants to make Ireland the best small country in the world to do business in and this goal is fully supported by me and all my colleagues in Government. I believe that the decision of a major global corporation such as Western Union to locate an additional 35 jobs in Clonskeagh is a clear indication of the success this Government has had so far in rehabilitating Ireland’s international reputation after the difficulties of recent years."

As Minister of State for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton TD is highly aware of the significant role EU legislation has on Ireland’s ability to attract international financial services providers:"I was recently elected co-chair of the European People’s Party (EPP) Europe Ministers Group which will assist in coordinating the EPP position ahead of EU Leaders’ Summits. This group will be powerfully placed to ensure that EU legislation is supportive of creating a positive environment for job creation and new business. European legislation such as the Payment Services Directive (PSD), which will be reviewed in 2012, and the proposed Financial Transactions Tax (FTT) can have a major impact on Ireland’s ability to continue to attract investment from outside of the EU."

Speaking at the announcement, Western Union Managing Director – Ireland, Tim Keane stated that:"Western Union supports the efforts of the Irish Government in creating a hospitable environment for businesses operating in Ireland and are delighted to have Minister Creighton here with us today to announce the creation of 35 new jobs. Western Union hopes to be in Clonskeagh for many years to come and aims to contribute to Ireland’s economic recovery and future success in whatever way it can."