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Small business to benefit from JobBridge Scheme - Perry

The Minister for Small Business, John Perry TD, today [Wednesday] welcomed the launch of JobBridge, the National Internship Scheme. Minister Perry said: ‘the scheme provides valuable opportunities for both the interns getting real work experience and the companies taking part, who will benefit from the talent and enthusiasm of the interns and add real value to their organisations."

Minister Perry said: "As the first Minister appointed specifically for Small Business, I am working to fulfil the Government’s commitment to small businesses in Ireland. Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy. As one of the flagship commitments in the Jobs Initiative last month, JobBridge will provide huge benefits to small businesses offering internship opportunities and the interns they take on."

"I am particularly delighted to see that a number of small and medium enterprises have expressed interest in the Scheme, and I would encourage all SMEs to consider the possibilities which they may have to take on interns. The creation of good quality internships, spread throughout the country, is a great way to support both indigenous enterprises and also ensure that these SMEs have access to well trained, experienced people who are ready to take up job opportunities when they are created."

"Last April, my colleague Minister Richard Bruton contacted larger companies on their plans for coming years and their interest in taking on interns or young graduates for work experience. There was great interest shown then, and I am delighted to see this Scheme come to fruition today with many of those companies now formally involved in, what I believe, is a vital element of our plans to keep more of our bright, talented young people in Ireland.

Concluding Minister Perry urged all those companies who may have the capacity to take on interns to get involved.