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Speech by the Taoiseach Mr Enda Kenny TD, Alexion Pharmaceutical’s Investment/Jobs Announcement April 3rd 2014

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests. I am delighted to join you on this great day for Alexion and West Dublin.

I want to thank Julie O’Neill for inviting me, and acknowledge Leonard Bell and Stephen Squinto, who travelled from the US to join us.

I am delighted to attend today’s event which marks a significant commitment by Alexion to Ireland through the proposed construction of their new Global Supply Chain Headquarters in College Park, Blanchardstown.

Alexion’s plans to create 200 new jobs here on top of their already growing workforce is another vote of confidence in Ireland as an attractive location for investment and jobs.

It is also hugely significant that the company - recognised by Forbes as the world’s second most innovative - has chosen to establish operations in the country it recognises as the best in the world for business.

Alexion’s plans are impressive and ambitious: a substantial campus on a 41 acre site, and a multi-million over the coming three years in construction, development and personnel costs to build and open the facility.

During this low point for the construction industry I’m particularly pleased that the building phase will provide 200 construction- related jobs, with the new facility to open in 2017.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Minister Bruton and all at IDA Ireland for all their work in attracting such valuable investment into Ireland.

As a Government, we are determined to deliver the jobs and investment needed to drive recovery and today’s welcome job announcement adds momentum to the 1,000 jobs being created every week by the private sector.

Ireland is one of the best places in the world to do business. We know that because international surveys consistently place us in the top half dozen locations and, more importantly, because the corporations which have invested in Ireland tell us so.

When CEOs inform me of their decision to locate in Ireland they constantly refer to the talent and passion of Ireland’s workforce. They do us proud and are the main attraction for investment and jobs.

The Government is also committed to keeping Ireland as competitive as possible. We have to be ever vigilant to factors that seek to reverse competitive gains. Our Action Plan for Jobs is how we are constantly making the small changes to improve Ireland’s attractiveness as a location for investment and jobs.

Over 1,000 multinational corporations have chosen Ireland as their strategic European base. Many of these companies have gone on to expand their facilities in Ireland due to the profitability and success of the Irish operation and because of the positive, adaptable attitude of the workforce and the ready availability of highly educated, ambitious managers.

The pharmaceutical and biopharma industries play a vital role in our economy. Eight of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in the world have Irish facilities, and the country is one of the premier global locations for pharmaceutical and chemical product manufacture.

Ireland also has 7 of the top 10 global biopharmaceutical companies with strategically important operations here.

The Government’s Economic Plan

Building on this success and creating jobs is what this Government is about. It’s our top priority.

We now have a clear plan to guide the economy to better times.

A plan based on enterprise, not speculation.

Our recently-published economic plan has two connected central targets –

Firstly, to reduce the Government deficit to under 3% of GDP by 2015 and to eliminate it altogether by 2018.

Secondly, to replace all 330,000 jobs lost during the recession by 2020. The private sector is currently adding over 1,000 new jobs a week and we will continue to create a better investment environment for business with the Action Plan for Jobs so that we can build on this.

These aims are based on three pillars: continued responsible management of the public finances; banking reform and creating more jobs.


To conclude, I want to thank Alexion Pharmaceuticals for this important investment and to assure the company of my Government’s on-going support.