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Tánaiste welcomes fall in unemployment

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, TD, has welcomed the latest fall in unemployment.

Live Register figures issued today by the Central Statistics Office confirm that unemployment has fallen for the twentieth month in a row and now stands at below 12% for the first time in nearly five years.

“It is particularly encouraging that the increase in employment is to be seen in all parts of the country and in most sectors of the economy.

The Live Register figures are just the latest in a series of encouraging economic indicators, which we have seen over the last few days. The latest exchequer returns and the consumer confidence index, both published yesterday, both suggest that the recovery is gaining momentum and our people are regaining confidence in the future.

I do not underestimate for one moment the difficulties which many of our people are continuing to experience. But equally it is clear that there are real grounds for confidence that the recovery is underway and will make itself felt in the prospects and the pockets of our people.

We will continue to play our role in bedding down the recovery and in ensuring that its benefits are felt where they are needed most – in the pockets and the lives of hard pressed families.”