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Taoiseach announces the creation of 250 new jobs by SAP

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today announced that SAP, the largest software company in Europe, is investing €110M to create 250 new jobs at its Dublin and Galway facilities. SAP plans to create 150 jobs within its services, sales and global support functions at Citywest in Dublin, additionally, 100 jobs will be located at SAP’s Galway facility, providing additional resources for its newly created Cloud Services & Support Centre. Both projects are supported by the Irish Government through IDA Ireland.

Making the announcement, Taoiseach Enda Kenny, TD said

“The decision by SAP to create 250 new, high-quality jobs in Dublin and Galway is most welcome news and contributes to Ireland's growing reputation as a global hub for the digital industry. SAP is the largest software company in Europe and the third largest software company in the world and its decision to further expand its Irish operations demonstrates the real value of an economically stable business environment and Ireland's position in Europe when it comes to attracting the overseas operations of major technology companies like SAP. I wish SAP every success with both these expansions and offer the continued support of the Irish Government into the future.”

Liam Ryan, managing director at SAP Ireland said

“SAP’s Irish operations have been highly successful since we first established a facility here in 1997. We now employ 1,200 people between our Dublin and Galway operations and as a result of the expansions being announced today will add a further 250 people to our staff here over the next three years”

Among the 250 new jobs announced today are a variety of positions requiring people with various skillsets and qualifications in the fields of Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Maths, Information Systems, Languages, Business & Sales.  To learn more about the vacancies, please visit the SAP careers website at:

. spoke to Liam Ryan from SAP and Donal Murphy from the IDA: