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Minister for Health calls for a united approach to challenges ahead

Speaking today at the Health Budget 2012 press conference in Government Buildings, Health Minister James Reilly said:

Today, we have delivered two important measures with the allocation of €35m for new mental health services and the €15m necessary to provide free GP care for people on the Long Term Illness scheme.

We have clearly set out our objectives but the reality is that reaching them is going to be very challenging for all of us. While the reduction in funding will impact across all programmes, the reduction in public service numbers, of which a majority are from the health services, will also impact on front-line services.

The Minister acknowledged the progress made by the health services in “doing more with less” and in providing various flexibilities in line with the Croke Park agreement. However he said that

...the reductions in funding for 2012 will pose major challenges and will require acceleration in the reform programme. I will be looking for support and co-operation from healthcare workers at all levels to minimise the impact this reduction in funding will inevitably have on those who need our care. 

The Minister also announced a major change in the charging regime for private patients in public hospitals. The Minister acknowledged that the new regime would have a significant impact on private health insurance premiums but pointed out that the new arrangements would provide much needed extra income for the public hospitals.

The monthly threshold for the Drugs Payments Scheme is being increased from €120 per month to €132 per month with effect from 1


January 2012.  This Scheme ensures that individuals or families do not have to pay more than the monthly threshold on approved prescribed drugs, medicines and certain appliances.

For a summary of measures, read the full press release here.