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Minister Mitchell O’Connor concludes Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland Trade and Investment Mission to China and Japan

A five day Trade and Investment mission to China and Japan organised by Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland and led by Minister for Jobs,Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, TD concludes. Thirty-six Irish companies participated in the mission which included several meetings and networking events in the cities of Shenzhen, Beijing and Tokyo.

Significant leads for several Irish companies were created and progressed during the mission. These included the announcement of a number of strategic partnerships which were witnessed by the Minister.In Shenzhen and Beijing, the Minister hosted two business events with over 160 guests including Irish companies and their Chinese customers. The Minister also witnessed the announcement of a strategic alliance between Enterprise Ireland client Datalex and Neusoft, China’s largest software integrator.
A number of Irish companies also announced new business in Japan. These included C&F Green Energy in Galway, Vitalograph in Co. Clare, CAE Parc Aviation and Clinical Trial Endpoint in Dublin. The Minister met with senior executives at more than 12 Japanese corporations and delivered a strong message on the opportunities to partner with Irish companies, as well as the opportunity to invest in Ireland. 
Commenting on the Trade Mission, Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor said:  “Engaging on the home ground of growth markets is an important part of developing links between businesses. My aim on this Trade Mission was to highlight Ireland as a hotspot of innovative business and to explore the significant opportunities for Irish companies across a range of sectors to increase their sales to China and Japan. Diversification into new markets and expansion in existing ones is the key to export success for Irish companies and both China and Japan are open to world class Irish innovation and technology. Trade Missions also have a real impact in convincing multinational companies to locate jobs in Ireland and in facilitating Irish companies to grow their sales, ultimately creating employment at home in Ireland”.   
Julie Sinnamon, CEO, Enterprise Ireland said“This has been a productive week for Irish companies on Enterprise Ireland International Trade Missions, with simultaneous trade missions running in the MiddleEast, India, China and Japan. Enterprise Ireland Trade Missions are a key plank in our strategy to help more Irish companies diversify their export market portfolio, in the context of global market uncertainty, particularly in the British markets. China and Japan are key growth markets for Enterprise Ireland supported companies.  Exports to the Asia-Pacific region increased by 11 per cent to €1.59 billion. This five day mission will help participating companies, to grow market share even further.  Enterprise Ireland trade missions like this one, help Irish companies with global ambition to gain traction in international markets, resulting in job creation and maintenance in Ireland,” she continued.   Martin Shanahan, CEO, IDA Ireland said, “We had very productive meetings with a number of significant target and existing clients in Beijing, Shenzhen and Tokyo.  This visit to Asia further demonstrated the Irish Government’s commitment to diversifying and deepening market penetration in Asia. IDA Ireland has put additional resources into this market in recent years and has seen increased investment flows into Ireland from Asia.”