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Minister Nash launches Health and Safety Authority Strategy Statement 2016-18


Pictured are Martin O'Halloran, Chief Executive, HSA with Business and Employment Minister Ged Nash

Business and Employment Minister Ged Nash this morning launched the Health and Safety Authority’s new Strategy Statement 2016-18. The new strategy focuses on ensuring that workers and those affected by work activity return home safely and that everyone is protected from the harmful effects of chemicals.  

 The strategic priorities for 2016-18 are:


  • Health: Increase the focus on work-related health risks.
  • Safety: Maintain and develop the advances achieved in the management of work-related safety risks.
  • Chemicals: Focus on the risks to human health and safety arising from chemicals used at work and by the general public.
  • Accreditation: Provide an impartial, internationally recognised accreditation service, responsive to market demands through the Irish National Accreditation Board.
  • How We Work: Continue to change and transform the way we work.  

 Launching the strategy, Minister Nash said:

Every worker in the country is entitled to a safe and healthy place of work and to return home to their families safe and well. I particularly welcome the Authority’s focus on small and medium-sized businesses.  These businesses, the backbone of the economy, need simple tools and guidance that will help them effectively manage workplace safety and health. The Authority has been at the forefront in meeting this challenge with the introduction of, for example, its free e-learning portal and BeSMART online tool. This is the type of innovation that makes a difference and helps enterprises in a very practical way.