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Minister Nash welcomes steady decline in unemployment to 8.4%

The Minister for Business and Employment Ged Nash TD has welcomed new unemployment figures published today which show that unemployment is continuing to fall.
The latest figures from the Central Statistics Office show that the unemployment rate for April 2016 was 8.4%. This is down significantly from the same period last year, when the jobless rate stood at 9.7%.
The number of unemployed people has also fallen by 3,700 in one month.
Minister Nash said, “It is very heartening to see that 25,700 people are now back at work compared to April last year and I am sure that these people and their families are looking to the future with far more optimism.
“I am particularly pleased to see that male unemployment has fallen below 10% for the first time since the Action Plan for Jobs was introduced by my Department. There is also further good news for young people, with the unemployment rate for 18 to 24 year olds continuing to tumble. But, we still have more work to do to reach our goal of full employment and cannot afford to become complacent.”
“The next Government will face challenges in continuing to create the conditions for business to create jobs. But, equally I believe it must ensure that the jobs that are being created are decent, sustainable jobs which pay people enough to live on and ensure that they can enjoy the dignity of work. The foundations are in place to ensure this.”