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Unemployment figures show scale of challenge for government and economy – Bruton

Speaking from the United States where he is on a week-long trade mission

meeting some of the world’s biggest IT companies in an attempt to secure

new investment and employment for Ireland, Minister Bruton commented on

this morning’s unemployment figures:

“The decline in the unemployment rate from 14.8% in the last quarter of

2010 to 14% in the first quarter of 2011 is to be welcomed, but today’s

figures remind us once again the scale of the unemployment challenge facing

a new government. Emigration is now draining our country and our economy of

some of our best and brightest people and we must do everything we can to

create opportunities for them to stay here and contribute to our recovery.

That was one of the key focuses of the recent Jobs Initiative.

“I have said repeatedly that Government itself does not create employment,

but it has a crucial role in creating the environment where businesses can

grow and create those much-needed jobs.

“I am determined to urgently implement a series of reforms to reduce

business costs, increase access to finance and to encourage and support

innovation in every way possible. The public sector, as a major economic

actor in its own right, also has a key role in providing leadership in each

of these areas and it is crucial that job creation becomes the top priority

of organisations across government in a very real way.

“It took many years of misguided policies to get our country into the jobs

crisis we face now and it will take a number of years of the right policies

to get us out of it. That is why there isn’t a moment to lose in driving on

with the reforms and policy changes needed to help turn our shared fortunes
