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Department of Education and Skills invites applications for grants under newly established Non-mainstream Music Education Bursary Scheme 2017

The Minister for Education and Skills, Mr. Richard Bruton TD, has today invited applications for grants under the newly established Non-mainstream Music Education Bursary Scheme 2017.
The purpose of the scheme is to provide support by way of a cash grant, to established, smaller-scale, non-mainstream music education/community music initiatives with limited or no access to other forms of public funding. Grants are not intended for use on capital expenditure such as structural/building costs, but can be used for instruments. The total budget available in 2017 is €100,000.

Minister Richard Bruton said, “I am really pleased that we can offer this grant which will help nurture our talented young musicians. The Department already supports music education through a number of initiatives including music on the curriculum, Music Generation and now through this bursary scheme. I hope that this initiative will help to further shape the landscape of music education in Ireland and provide support and encouragement for future talent.”
Applications will be considered by the Committee for Non-Mainstream Department of Education and Skills funded Music Education.

Criteria for selection of Applications

Applications will be considered from organisations/groups that display the following:
· A well-established track record in music education provision
· Service provision in the area of non-mainstream music education/community music
· Delivery of non-mainstream music education for young people aged 18 years and younger
· Strong learning outcomes for participants

Preference will be given to those organisations/groups who can demonstrate that they cater for socio-economically disadvantaged groups.

Our selection of proposals will also be informed by a desire for:
· Geographic national spread, where possible
· A range of music genres
· A balance of practical and theoretical approaches

Lower priority/ineligible groups
· Schools and other educational institutes will not be eligible to apply
· Funding will only be provided for non-mainstream music education initiatives outside of school curriculum
· Music Education Partnerships in receipt of Music Generation funding at time of application are not eligible to apply
· For-profit companies are not eligible to apply
· Individual minors under the age of 18 are not eligible to apply
· Professional performing groups are not eligible to apply

To Apply
An application form is available on the Department’s website at the following link -

Please download and ‘save as’ the application form to your own computer, type and complete all of the sections. Applications must be submitted as an attachment by email only to the following email address -
Closing date for applications for 2017 is Friday 10th March 2017.