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Launch of THEA a Significant Step in Irish Higher Education

20170403 Thea Conference

The Technological Higher Education Association, the representative body for the 14 Institutes of Technology in Ireland, was launched formally today by Education Minister Richard Bruton.

Incoming external chair of the THEA Council, Ms. Regina Moran said:  

The formal launch of the Technological Higher Education Association marks a significant step in Irish higher education. It affords the opportunity to reflect on the contribution of THEA’s members - the fourteen institutes of technology - and to celebrate the distinct contribution that they have made to Irish society. Over recent decades Ireland has consciously fostered a diverse higher education landscape in which the institutes of technology have played a seminal role.

The launch of THEA affords an opportunity to celebrate the particularly successful role that the institutes have played in widening access to higher education and the manner in which they have largely removed geographical location as an access barrier, contributing considerably to greater social equality and cohesion.