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Minister Quinn launches public consultation on the development of a National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development in Ireland

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., today launched a public consultation on the development of a National Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

The development of a National Strategy for ESD is one of the commitments in Our Sustainable Future - A Framework for Sustainable Development in Ireland which was published by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government in 2012.

The Minister acknowledged that his Department had undertaken previous work in this area in 2007. This included a public consultation process by the then Department of Education and Science. However, in light of the many significant changes that have occurred in the field of sustainable development since 2007, including the publication of Our Sustainable Future, the Minister considers that a new public consultation process is necessary.

Our Sustainable Future, building on the outcomes of the 2007 consultation process, proposes the following objectives for the National Strategy for ESD:

·         Embedding education for sustainable development at every level of the education system

·         Promoting public awareness of education for sustainable development

·         Promoting capacity building in support of education for sustainable development

·         Promoting high standards of environmental management in education institutions.

Minister Quinn is inviting submissions from interested parties outlining their views and recommendations on these objectives and on other issues related to the area of ESD.

Submissions are welcome from all interested parties, including education and training providers at all levels of the formal and non-formal education system, business and professional organisations, agencies and NGOs in the field of equality, development education and environmental protection, media, and social partners. The responses received from stakeholders will inform the development of the National Strategy on ESD.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 27 September 2013.

Further information on the consultation process, included the template for submissions and a background information paper, can be accessed at